urbansheep@gmail.com › Теги: longreads

The Origin Of #Long Things: We're probably in a bubble in terms of the way we talk about reading longer pieces of writing. But where did #longreads and longform come from? — by Matt Buchanan - http://www.buzzfeed.com/mattbuc...
""As for the origin of the word," Longreads' Armstrong told me, "I just used to see people use it as an offhand remark, or even a warning: 'Prepare yourself: it's a long read.' I thought it could be turned instead into a badge of honor, rather than something to be shunned. I made it one word for hashtagging simplicity (#longreads) and gave it an exact definition — non-fiction or fiction over 1,500 words." Lammer's origin for "longform" is less exacting — "There is no great story as to why we're longform.org rather than long-form.org or long_form.org, other than dashes and underscores in URLs suck" — and maybe more interestingly, so is his definition — "Knowing what to call these kinds of pieces is tricky, but whether they're called them 'New-Yorker-kinda-stuff,' 'features,' '2000 words +.' or '#longreads,' — you know it when you see it."" - × × ×
Why do women become sex workers, and why do men go to them? | Society | The Guardian - http://www.guardian.co.uk/society...
Why do women become sex workers, and why do men go to them? (via @GuardianWeekend) #longreads - × × ×
(not yet read:) chimp females sometimes become sex workers, too. it's not only culture. - 9000
brainpicker : Longreads - http://longreads.com/brainpi...
Great lists! MT @brainpicker Nice! @eugenephoto curated his fave #longreads of 2011 so far Mine - × × ×
Give Me Something To Read — Best of 2010 - http://givemesomethingtoread.com/post...
“This was my first full year at the helm of Give Me Something To Read, and to mark it, I’ve compiled this list of the best articles and essays I posted through 2010 (limited to those that were actually published in 2010). Best, obviously, is subjective, and what this list comprises is a selection of my favourites and reader favourites (as judged by the number of notes they got on Tumblr).” #2010год #longreads - × × ×