urbansheep@gmail.com › Теги: congames

Cons and Scams - Leverage wiki - http://leverage.wikia.com/wiki...
“Cons and Scams used or mentioned in the television series Leverage. Some of these are Long Cons, while others are grifts or more spontaneous scams.” • #congames#конкультура - × × ×
The Encyclopedia Of Scams - http://scams.wikispaces.com/
“The goal of The Encyclopedia Of Scams is to eventually feature every scam, trick, cheat and swindle ever perpetrated against the world's suckers. It's not about warning rubes. It's not about teaching criminals. It's about having some fun with the incredible world of the con artist!” #congames #проигры #конкультура - × × ×
List of confidence tricks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki... - × × ×
Psychological manipulation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki... - × × ×