urbansheep@gmail.com › Теги: сапиосексуалы

Evolution: Balls and brains — The quality of a man’s sperm depends on how intelligent he is, and vice versa | The Economist - http://www.economist.com/node...
“Alternatively (or in addition) it may be that intelligence is one manifestation of an underlying, genetically based healthiness. That is a view held by many evolutionary biologists, and was propounded in its modern form by Geoffrey Miller of the University of New Mexico, who is one of Ms Arden's co-authors (and, as it happens, her husband). These biologists believe intelligence, as manifested in things like artistic and musical ability, is such a reliable indicator of underlying genetic fitness that it has been chosen by members of the opposite sex over the millennia. In the ensuing arms race to show off and get a mate it has been exaggerated in the way that a peacock's tail is. This process of sexual selection, Dr Miller and his followers believe, is the reason people have become so brainy.” • #схватил_за_мозг - #сапиосексуалы - × × ×
Интересно, как все по-разному оценивают и видят эту идею. Мне вот близка гипотеза, что, как в дженге, по мере усложнения условного интеллекта накапливается число возможных способов «всё поломать». И, собственно, поэтому artistic minds склонны к депрессиям, неврозам и саморазрушению. Зато если внутреннего ресурса столько, что сумели стабилизироваться и размножиться, то это примерно как «заработать генетическое состояние». Умным проще моделировать себя и будущее, а значит — выживать и размножаться. - × × ×
Why Geeks Make Good Lovers | Awkward Things I Say To Girls - http://awkwardthingsisaytogirls.com/2007...
“Geeks are not interested in status. Geeks became geeks because they chose to spend their time doing things that would not necessarily make them popular with everyone else in school, like sports and fashion. The ability to resist peer pressure is important to a geek. This means that a geek is more interested in their or your happiness than looking good to others, which will come in handy when either (a) you need attention, in any sort ranging from the nurturing to the lascivious, and also, because both of those things are not necessarily unorthagonal dimensions, any combination of the two, or (b) you need to be rescued because it is the climax of a teen 80’s movie. Or both.” - × × ×
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“Geeks, through their higher IQ and therefore greater understanding of the tragedy of human condition, know that the dice only seem to have more sides on the other side of the table.” - × × ×
“Greater understanding of the tragedy of human condition”! - × × ×