urbansheep@gmail.com › Теги: emergency response

Какая-то молчаливая часть меня аккуратно собирает из разных углов материалы про #emergency_response. Зачем — не говорит. Пытаюсь понять, то ли что-то замышляет, то ли к чему-то готовится, то ли чего-то ждёт. Недостаточно плотно, чтобы подаваться в МЧС, но больше, чем это нужно обывателю.
Пока вариантов два. 1) Бойскаутская паранойя (better safe than sorry). 2) Оно там планирует какие-то удивительные истории про подводные течения в человеках, синхронистичность и вспышки безразличия, и потому тащит разные вещи в гнездо. Напишем тогда здесь про “23-19” и “Quiet Board”. #удивительные_истории - × × ×
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Вот щьёрт, а я думал у меня у одного такой вид паранойи. Мда, возможно, при таком раскладе, это "ж-ж-ж" неспроста. -
на мой вкус так бывает просто от повышенной тревожности, у которой в свою очередь причины могут быть самые разные. - вприпрыжку с кладбища
^^^ именно! - CES & nootropics
Hospital emergency codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
“Hospital Emergency Codes are used in hospitals worldwide to alert staff to various emergency situations. The use of codes is intended to convey essential information quickly and with a minimum of misunderstanding to staff, while preventing stress or panic among visitors to the hospital. These codes may be posted on placards throughout the hospital, or printed on employee/staff identification badges for ready reference. Back of a hospital ID badge showing disaster codes. Hospital emergency codes are frequently coded by colour, and the colour codes denote different events at different hospitals and are not universal.” #emergency_response - × × ×
Incident Command System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
“The Incident Command Structure (ICS) is a standardized, on-scene, all-hazard incident management concept. It is a management protocol originally designed for emergency management agencies in the United States which was later federalized there. It has since been adopted by agencies in other countries. ICS is based upon a flexible, scalable response organization providing a common framework within which people can work together effectively. These people may be drawn from multiple agencies that do not routinely work together, and ICS is designed to give standard response and operation procedures to reduce the problems and potential for miscommunication on such incidents. ICS has been summarized as a "first-on-scene" structure, where the first responder of a scene has charge of the scene until the incident has been declared resolved, a superior-ranking responder arrives on scene and seizes command, or the Incident Commander appoints another individual Incident Commander.” #emergency_response - × × ×
2009 Emergency Management Program Guidebook - Emergency Management Strategic Health Care Group - http://www1.va.gov/EMSHG...
“Below is the table of contents for the 2009 Emergency Management Program Guidebook. Steps: Step 1: Emergency Management Committee, Step 2: Emergency Operations Planning, Step 3: Hazard Vulnerability Analysis, Step 4: Incident-Specific Plans, Step 5: Mitigation and Preparedness Activities, Step 6: External Coordination and Mutual Support, Step 7: Education, Training and Exercises, Step 8: Application of Emergency Operations, Step 9: Evaluation” #emergency_response - Сова, удочеряющая носок