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2012 #SXSW Packing and Check List - Tantek - http://tantek.com/2012...
First, you must unpack what you have packed If you're an urban superhero that walks around packing useful gadgets like swiss army knives (or any kind of knives), allen wrenches (or anything capable of disassembling an airplane), soldering irons, or pocket torches, remove them from your utility belt, your jet pack, and any other part of your supercostume. Unless of course you're willing to pack a bag to check-in (which I highly recommend avoiding, due to risk of loss). The list itself is of course based on personal preferences, so if you wear something other than black, or you're a girl (woman, queen, or any other gender identity), you may wish to make adjustments accordingly. I'm sharing this packing list with a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license: make and blog a solid version for yourself or urban super-heroines instead and I'll be more than happy to link to it, ladies. - × × ×