urbansheep@gmail.com › Теги: ответственный пациент

The Healing Power of Your Own Medical Records - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2015...
"Steven Keating’s doctors and medical experts view him as a citizen of the future. ¶ A scan of his brain eight years ago revealed a slight abnormality — nothing to worry about, he was told, but worth monitoring. And monitor he did, reading and studying about brain structure, function and wayward cells, and obtaining a follow-up scan in 2010, which showed no trouble. ¶ But he knew from his research that his abnormality was near the brain’s olfactory center. So when he started smelling whiffs of vinegar last summer, he suspected they might be “smell seizures.” ¶ He pushed doctors to conduct an M.R.I., and three weeks later, surgeons in Boston removed a cancerous tumor the size of a tennis ball from his brain.” • #ответственный_пациент - urbansheep@gmail.com
“At every stage, Mr. Keating, a 26-year-old doctoral student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab, has pushed and prodded to get his medical information, collecting an estimated 70 gigabytes of his own patient data by now. His case points to what medical experts say could be gained if patients had full and easier access to their medical information. Better-informed patients, they say, are more likely to take better care of themselves, comply with prescription drug regimens and even detect early-warning signals of illness, as Mr. Keating did.” - urbansheep@gmail.com
Hospitals Are Mining Patients' Credit Card Data to Predict Who Will Get Sick - Businessweek - http://www.businessweek.com/article...
"Imagine getting a call from your doctor if you let your gym membership lapse, make a habit of buying candy bars at the checkout counter, or begin shopping at plus-size clothing stores. For patients of Carolinas HealthCare System, which operates the largest group of medical centers in North and South Carolina, such a day could be sooner than they think. Carolinas HealthCare, which runs more than 900 care centers, including hospitals, nursing homes, doctors’ offices, and surgical centers, has begun plugging consumer data on 2 million people into algorithms designed to identify high-risk patients so that doctors can intervene before they get sick. The company purchases the data from brokers who cull public records, store loyalty program transactions, and credit card purchases." • #health_2_0#ответственный_пациент#прозрачное_общество#radical_transparency - × × ×
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^ looks totally reasonable. - 9000
Покупки в информашку о платеже кредиткой, слава богу, не включают - 3012
Пока не включают. Какой-нибудь Амазон прикупит себе Stripe, сделает унифицированную платформу для инвентори мелких продавцов, и будет барыжить историями покупок. - × × ×
This is Healthbook, Apple’s major first step into health & fitness tracking | 9to5Mac - http://9to5mac.com/2014...
"As detailed in the images throughout this article, which are complete recreations of screenshots, Healthbook’s user interface is largely inspired by the iPhone’s existing Passbook application. Versions of Healthbook in testing are capable of tracking several different health and fitness data points." • #ответственный_пациент и #health_2_0#no_wear - × × ×
The Patient of the Future - Technology Review - http://www.technologyreview.com/biomedi...
"Internet pioneer Larry Smarr's quest to quantify everything about his health led him to a startling discovery, an unusual partnership with his doctor, and more control over his life." • #ответственный_пациент - × × ×
Patient's fear of being 'difficult' may hurt care - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin...
"A study published Monday shows that patients often defer to their doctors for fear of being labeled "difficult." But patients who take that approach can hinder their ability to fully participate in decisions about their health, according to the study, which appears in the journal Health Affairs. • In the study, 48 Bay Area patients recruited from Palo Alto medical practices said they feared that challenging their physicians or asking too many questions might result in lower-quality care or strain their relationship." #ответственный_пациент - #занимательная_медицина - × × ×
Monitoring Your Health With Mobile Devices: The smartphone will be a sensor that will help people take better control of their health by tracking it with increasing precision - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2012...
“When patients are dealing with chronic conditions, you might see a doctor every six weeks or two months,“ said Joseph Flaherty, the senior vice president for marketing at AgaMatrix. “For people to have real command over these diseases, we need to close the feedback loop and give people the information they need to make smarter decisions in real time.” • #trendtaste - #ответственный_пациент - #занимательная_медицина - × × ×
An anonymous reader writes "How are you using smartphones and other portable devices to take charge of your medical care? The NY Times has an article about attachments to the iPhone for tracking blood sugar and blood pressure. There are also glorified web cams that take pictures of your ear drum, teeth or eyes to save you a trip to the doctor's. Some people are tracking the changes in their moles with an iPhone App. Is this the beginning of Med 2.0?" - × × ×
На Слэшдоте: “Odd as it sounds, I was able to be more quickly and reliably diagnosed with Lyme disease last fall because I'd taken some pictures on my phone of the lesion I'd wrongly thought was the result of a spider bite. Any camera would have worked, but I had my camera-equipped phone with me, rather than any other kind.” — http://science.slashdot.org/story... - × × ×
We Can Now Safely Sequence a Fetus' Genome. Is the World Ready for This? Researchers can now get the entire genome of a fetus just by sampling the mother's blood. While this could help new parents prepare, it may also lead to more abortions and more carefully selected offspring. -...
“In the late 1960s, medical researchers developed a way to find genetic defects in a fetus as young as 15 weeks, early enough to terminate a pregnancy with an abnormal fetus. Despite the need to have a long needle inserted into the uterus, many expectant mothers gratefully embraced amniocentesis, the now familiar genetic test. “It is truly a miracle,” a new mom told The New York Times in 1971. The woman’s three sisters had Down syndrome, and she had been terrified of passing on the disorder but got a null result. “I never thought I could have normal, healthy children.” #trendtaste - #ответственный_пациент - #занимательная_медицина - × × ×
Ок, теперь дождаться, когда это будет доступно в наших медцентрах (лет пять?), и одним из моих внутренних вопросов к семье будет меньше. А вот Гаттака и евгенические программы теперь станут близки, как никогда (ещё 20 лет на то, чтобы это вошло в стандартную практику и чтобы этические побоища начались и кончились, и много разного другого странного будет дальше). - × × ×
“We’ve developed an easier-to-use dashboard that brings together even more of your health and wellness information in one place and makes it easier for you to organize and act on that information. We’ve also heard from you that focusing on wellness, and wellness goals, is a big part of the solution, and that it’s important to record your daily experience and set goals.” • #ответственный_пациент - × × ×
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Мне сразу видятся google-браслеты с гибкими экранами, встроенными датчиками, синхронизацией с коммуникатором (который синхронизирован с профилем в Сети). :) И страховое подразделение гугл как вариант развития бизнеса. - Nikolaj
Гугл не будет страховать, он будет продавать чужие полисы. Они ж рекламно-информационный брокер по жизни. - × × ×
the next big hit i assume - make some noise
Вау! Я знаю, откуда гугл это все взял - это же мои формы в google doc, которые я для себя уже года два назад придумала и настроила. - Prometa
Промета, поделись формами? :) - × × ×
Они несложные, но очень личные. Я замеряю некоторые параметры своей ежедневной жизни - продолжительность сна, физическую активность, продуктивность, общение с людьми, вес, потребление определенных продуктов, прием медикаментов, уровень энергии, еще некоторые вещи. Это помогает мне следить за собой и знать, что любое состояние когда-нибудь закончится. - Prometa
Trendtaste: В дейтинге интересное место занимает фаза дисклеймеров и «оно тебе надо?», куда теперь входит медкарта и выписка из банка как жест доверия.
Доро пожаловать в современную реальность! Кажется, меня забыли родить пару веков назад... - Документы зимы хорошие
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А что вообще дает выписка из банка? - sashun4a
Ага, багаж сейчас вносят в спальню задолго до того как она станет супружеской. - ◐_◐
Выписка из банка даёт разным людям разное — для кого-то это как раз признак доверия, для кого-то показатель адекватности партнёра. Вместо выписки, кстати, некоторые используют портфолио и резюме, когда «дело не в деньгах», там тоже интересно выходит. #дейтинг - × × ×
Вообще, конечно, обмен диагнозами, как проявление «я верю тебе достаточно, чтобы поделиться своими проблемами» — это славный культурный феномен, я его регулярно (хоть и редко, один-два раза в год) прохожу с людьми, которые становятся друзьями, и про которых нужно знать не только весёлое, но и грустное, и пока не очень понимаю, как про всё это нужно думать. Это явно относится к череде обсуждений на тему #ответственный_пациент и ещё задевает #прозрачное_общество, но при этом уже не про публичное, а про интимное. - × × ×
В общем, кажется, это не тренд, а вечная черта рационалов, и тег сюда надо ставить, выходит, #соционический_балаган. WHO KNEW? - × × ×