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Nobody Seems to Understand What Jeff Bezos is Doing. Does He? | PandoDaily - http://pandodaily.com/2012...
“Farhad Manjoo, writing at Pando Daily: What struck me when I saw the zero price for The Hunger Games is that I simply don’t know what Amazon is up to with the lending library. This is not a novel sensation: I am frequently flummoxed by Amazon, the most inscrutable of all the companies I cover regularly. Amazon is the one major tech firm whose operations, investments, and short- and long-term goals are completely hidden from the reporters and analysts who try to watch its every move.” - × × ×
Amazon’s brilliant plan to pay you crazy money for your iPad 2 | PandoDaily - http://pandodaily.com/2012...
"Or, as Bezos once put it, “We are willing to be misunderstood for long periods of time." - × × ×