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What You Want: Flickr Creator Spins Addictive New Web Service | Wired Magazine 18-08 — August 2010 - http://www.wired.com/magazin...
“A few minutes later, the crisis has been averted. Fake and her cohorts have deciphered the rules and the game is in full swing. But Fake isn’t playing; she hands off her cards to one of the engineers and retires to the pizza table. She doesn’t care much about winning all the land in Dominion’s imaginary realm. She just wanted to get the party started. That’s what Fake does best: Tend social sparks until they ignite and become full-fledged communities. You can see this talent in the weekly hootenannies she hosts at her house. “I used to invite people over to make crafts — you know, Christmas stockings, that kind of thing,” she says. “I’m just a very social person.” #Caterina_Fake_is_our_everything_so_much_it_is_ridiculous - × × ×
“Flickr just felt so fresh.There was nothing in Flickr’s personality or psyche that resembled the old world. For the first time, it felt like you were using a Web site designed completely for a generation that had grown up using the Internet.” - Phil Smirnov