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266 подписок


Никогда такого не было, и вот опять • Sapienti sat • «Жизнь представала перед Евгением во всем своем удручающем многообразии».
Film Crit Hulk Reviews Mark Ruffalo's Performance as Hulk : The New Yorker - http://www.newyorker.com/online...
“We enjoy the writings of Film Crit Hulk, who composes all-caps essays on such topics as why you love movies (“BECAUSE KUROSAWA”), the critical reaction to “Girls,” and the rigorous weirdness of David Lynch’s “Mulholland Drive.” He also gives excellent screenplay advice. We asked Film Crit Hulk to comment on the performance of Mark Ruffalo as Hulk in “The Avengers.” Here is (the Hulk-sized) response that he sent us.” • #прокино - × × ×
"Get uncomfortable. I’m coming up on two years with Adam. He is stable, supportive and fun to be with..." - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
“Get uncomfortable. I’m coming up on two years with Adam. He is stable, supportive and fun to be with (he is also tall, passionate, and deeply sensitive in the goofiest way imaginable). But our relationship is so far from what I had imagined love to be. We have lots of sweet times, but we also have the moments where I feel bloated after eating too much dessert or he is withdrawn and worried about money, or we sit across from each other at dinner with nothing obvious to say. These feel hard to deal with and always make me afraid that something is terribly wrong. But they pass. A few years ago, two wise, married yogis gave me a piece of advice. They told me that while it’s essential to have honest intimacy in a relationship, it’s just as essential that your partner earns the right to see your struggle. Before Adam, I thought it was good luck or good breeding or even good karma that led to being in a satisfying relationship. It didn’t occur to me that loving another person is...” • #семейное - #женщины_и_люди - × × ×
Study helps explain why we over-share on Facebook, Twitter - http://www.latimes.com/busines... (via http://friendfeed.com/the-fac...)
“In a series of experiments, the researchers found that the act of disclosing information about oneself activates the same sensation of pleasure in the brain that we get from eating food, getting money or having sex. It's all a matter of degrees of course, (talking about yourself isn't quite as pleasurable as sex for most of us), but the science makes it clear that our brain considers self-disclosure to be a rewarding experience.” • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
How to Make Observations like a Scientist | TIME Ideas | TIME.com - http://ideas.time.com/2012...
How to Ditch Happily-Ever-After and Build Your Own Romantic Narrative - Lifestyle - GOOD • #семейное - http://www.good.is/post...
What Women Want: Porn and the Frontier of Female Sexuality - Lifestyle - GOOD - http://www.good.is/post...
Хорошо, что можно пока шутить, а не перешёптываться. - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
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Staying awake: Notes on the alleged decline of reading—By Ursula K. Le Guin (Harper's Magazine, February 2008) - http://www.harpers.org/archive...
“Books are social vectors, but publishers have been slow to see it. They barely even noticed book clubs until Oprah goosed them. But then the stupidity of the contemporary, corporation-owned publishing company is fathomless: they think they can sell books as commodities.” #прокниги - × × ×
Mind Thoughts... with Michael Ian Black - Let’s Not Fuck, Shall We? | VICE - http://www.vice.com/read...
"But masculinity is far more complicated and subtle than that. Yes, it involves getting laid. But for me, fucking isn’t even in the top five attributes of what it means to be a man. My top five are: • Providing • Producing • Strength • Loyalty • Farting • Fucking comes sixth. To me, sex isn’t even about sex. Fundamentally, it’s about acceptance, having somebody desire you enough to allow you to envelop them and wanting that person to envelop you in return. When the culture tells me I’m not having enough of it, it seems like what it’s telling me is that the culture itself does not accept me. What can I do to become more acceptable? Buy those jeans, drive that car, smother myself in Axe body spray. It’s a losing battle. I can never accumulate enough stuff—money, lovers—to satisfy the itch our shitty culture is causing. If anything, it’s like a venereal disease; the more I scratch at it, the worse I end up feeling." - × × ×
Avería – The Average Font - http://iotic.com/averia/
“I am not a type designer. This is the story of the creation of a new font, Avería: the average of all the fonts on my computer. The field of typography has long fascinated me, and I love playing with creative programming ideas, so it was perhaps inevitable that the idea came to me one day of “generative typography”. - × × ×
“Genuine outbreaks of the future” - http://vitor.io/genuine...
"I like talking about things that’ll work. I like talking about genuine outbreaks of the future. Not vacuum cleaner death machines and satphones no one will buy. Why does it have to be about consumer goods? Why do we assume the future is only a retail opportunity?" - × × ×
Marketing Press | From Point of Purchase to Path to Purchase: How Preshopping Factors Drive Unplanned Buying - http://www.journals.marketingpower.com/doi...
Summary: http://www.marketingpower.com/AboutAM... * Many retailers believe that a majority of purchases are unplanned, so they spend heavily on in-store marketing to stimulate these types of purchases. At the same time, the effects of “preshopping” factors—the shoppers' overall trip goals, store-specific shopping objectives, and prior marketing exposures—are largely unexplored. The authors focus on these out-of-store drivers and, unlike prior research, use panel data to “hold the shopper constant” while estimating unbiased trip-level effects. Thus, they uncover opportunities for retailers to generate more unplanned buying from existing shoppers. The authors find that the amount of unplanned buying increases monotonically with the abstractness of the overall shopping trip goal that is established before the shopper enters the store. Store-linked goals also affect unplanned buying;... - × × ×
Noam Chomsky on America's Economic Suicide * We’re a nation whose leaders are pursuing policies that amount to economic “suicide” Chomsky says. But there are glimmers of possibility. | AlterNet - http://www.alternet.org/story...
"LF: So it sounds as if you might support something like the Cleveland model where the ownership of the company is actually held by members of the community as well as the workers…  NC: That’s a step forward but you also have to get beyond that to dismantle the system of production for profit rather than production for use. That means dismantling at least large parts of market systems. Take the most advanced case: Mondragon. It’s worker owned, it’s not worker managed, although the management does come from the workforce often, but it’s in a market system and they still exploit workers in South America, and they do things that are harmful to the society as a whole and they have no choice. If you’re in a system where you must make profit in order to survive. You are compelled to ignore negative externalities, effects on others. Markets also have a very bad psychological effect. They drive people to a conception of themselves and society in which you’re only after your own good, not the good of others and that’s extremely harmful." - × × ×
Преступление в должность - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
Самый прекрасный момент вчерашней инаугурации вряд ли можно было увидеть где-то, кроме дома — для этого недостаточно было сидеть у экрана в баре или выходить на площади с шумным протестом — слишком легко упустить момент. Утро открывалось солнечной репетицией к девятому, когда авиация метеорологов традиционно разгоняет облачность по периметру столицы, чтобы хоть ненадолго гарантировать спокойное небо над пустынным центром города, по которому проходит парад. И все во вчерашней церемонии напоминало именно девятое мая в миниатюре. Празднование главного культового ежегодного праздника последнего столетия должно пройти без огрех, так что тут тебе и проходящий небольшими коробками марш кремлевского полка внутри кремлевских стен, и оба президента, и православное золото вокруг. Ничего не предвещает странного. * * * Поэтому странное приходит незванно. После слов представителя Конституционного суда о том, что Владимир Владимирович Путин теперь официально вступил в должность президента, солнечное... - × × ×
"But in a world where magazine are a lot more than their printed artifacts, what’s a brand?..." - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
“ But in a world where magazine are a lot more than their printed artifacts, what’s a brand? I’ll go through my evidence in a minute, but here’s my current hypothesis. Brands are probabilistic now. The primary power of a brand is to increase the probability that someone clicks on, upvotes, or links to a story associated with your brand. It is not calculated primarily on a per issue basis as in the past. Instead, it’s a kind of implicit regression based on all the stories a publication has produced. This isn’t a completely foreign idea. In the past, a brand’s strength would have been measured by how likely people were to buy or subscribe to a magazine. Today’s probabilistic brand, though, is less coherent and much broader than before. ” - The Probabilistic Magazine Brand in the Social News Age, Alexis Madrigal, The Atlantic - × × ×
Stephen Wolfram Blog : It’s Been 10 Years: What’s Happened with A New Kind of Science? - http://blog.stephenwolfram.com/2012...
Mind - When Parents Are Too Toxic to Tolerate - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/glogin...
The Morgue Lives! — Welcome to the archives repository of the most respected newspaper in the world. • Storyboard - http://storyboard.tumblr.com/post...
"It is a cramped basement annex, stacked high with metal filing cabinets, full of three-fourths of a million pounds of old newspaper clippings and photos, going back 160 years. It’s simply called “the morgue.” • To get here, a reporter must leave the shiny glass tower that is the 40th Street headquarters of the New York Times, walk a half-block down the street, and descend three levels below the sidewalk. There, in a nondescript tower, she will emerge from a dirty elevator, walk past a janitor’s closet, then past a giant, rusted pump contraption with running water, and finally reach a pair of metal doors. There are glue traps with belly-up cockroaches in the corner. • “I swear, we haven’t taken you to a torture chamber,” jokes my guide, a Times photo editor, leading me through the double doors. There is no computer in the morgue. No internet service. No cell reception. If we were to die here — perhaps by an improperly secured two-ton cabinet — it’s safe to say it would take days for anyone to find our bodies. • Welcome to the archives repository of the most respected newspaper in the world." #архивисты - × × ×
(Жаль, что за все годы парни в тамблере не научились делать в своих темах нормальные тайтлы страниц.) - × × ×
“Roth didn’t have what you might have called a traditional reporting background. He joined the morgue in 1993, after visiting to research his distant cousin, Times reporting great Meyer Berger. He says he’s worked as a stockbroker, landscaper, art dealer, cross-country truck driver, and a narcotics search agent at JFK — a skill that came in handy for the Times when TWA Flight 800 went down (he knew the onboarding and offboarding procedures). • Ask Roth about almost anything — New York City explosions, feminist history, Yeats, Iran — and he will know the answer. It’s as if the wisdom of the morgue has filtered into his blood.” - × × ×
Tumblr Staff: Tumblr has introduced Storyboard, an editorial feature project that will highlight curators and their content on the popular blogging site. Tumblr’s Editor-in-Chief Chris Mohney recently announced the Storyboard launch on the Tumblr staff blog - http://staff.tumblr.com/post...
"We’re excited to announce the official launch of Storyboard, our new hub for in-depth conversations with Tumblr’s creative community. We’ll be posting regular features on creators working in and around Tumblr’s massively diverse cosmos — writers, musicians, animators, scientists, artists, archivists, chefs, comedians, or anyone else with a great story to tell. Today we’re talking about Michael Stipe, the New York Times, Afghanistan, and the design mechanics of the Tumblr Dashboard. We want to hear your stories too. If you’re interested in submitting a story (or even a story idea) for us to publish, just post it on Tumblr tagged with #storyboard. Our editors will monitor the tag and the community’s interactions there, promoting stories that resonate. And if your story really works, we’ll ask to expand it for publication on Storyboard itself." - × × ×
Patient's fear of being 'difficult' may hurt care - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin...
"A study published Monday shows that patients often defer to their doctors for fear of being labeled "difficult." But patients who take that approach can hinder their ability to fully participate in decisions about their health, according to the study, which appears in the journal Health Affairs. • In the study, 48 Bay Area patients recruited from Palo Alto medical practices said they feared that challenging their physicians or asking too many questions might result in lower-quality care or strain their relationship." #ответственный_пациент - #занимательная_медицина - × × ×
The Perfect Milk Machine: How Big Data Transformed the Dairy Industry - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
'The Single Biggest Change in Education Since the Printing Press' - Rebecca J. Rosen - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
“This morning two of the top universities announced a collaboration that signals they are taking the latter path: MIT and Harvard are each pouring $30 million into a nonprofit partnership edX, which they hope will make the top-notch faculties and courses of their schools available for free to millions of people around the world -- free for anyone with an Internet connection. In presenting edX, the initiative's new president, Anant Agarwal, called the opportunity presented in online education “the single biggest change in education since the printing press.” - × × ×
The Probabilistic Magazine Brand in the Social News Age - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/technol...
Энни Диллард (Annie Dillard) себя в аннотации к The Writing Life характеризует как “A gregarious recluse”. И мы тут же такие «о, социализированный интроверт, ага-ага, так-так». Ну, пусть это будет называться общительным отшельником, так-то посимпатичнее, чем сложные нерусские слова.
Too much time on his hands - Boing Boing - http://boingboing.net/2002...
5 Interface Laws Every Software Designer Should Know — Kevin Hale // Speaker Deck - http://speakerdeck.com/u...
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Secrets to Lightning Fast Mobile Design — Mike Kireger, Instagram // Speaker Deck - http://speakerdeck.com/u...
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