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266 подписок


Никогда такого не было, и вот опять • Sapienti sat • «Жизнь представала перед Евгением во всем своем удручающем многообразии».
Фиги в кармане от новой Лентыру: «Единая Россия» не смогла удержаться от победы на предварительных выборах в Мосгордуму».
И Митрофанову вот отрывают неприкосновенность ещё. - × × ×
Граждане обеспокоены состоянием психики «депутатки Мизулиной», опять же. 92 тысячи подписали петицию в интернетах, так что можно ждать, что скоро такие вольности с петициями в онлайне запретят. Только лично, только кровью. - × × ×
Про «новую электростимуляцию»: Can you supercharge your brain? | Mosaic - http://mosaicscience.com/story...
“Applying mild electrical currents to your head could take away pain, help memory and improve attention – and the US military is very interested. Emma Young reports.” • #схватил_за_мозг#длиннотексты - × × ×
Writing In The 21st Century — Steven Pinker | Edge.org - http://edge.org/convers...
“In the conversation below, Pinker begins by stating his belief that "science can inform all aspects of life, particularly psychology, my own favorite science. Psychology looks in one direction to biology, to neuroscience, to genetics, to evolution. And it looks in another direction to the rest of intellectual and cultural life—because what are the arts but products of the human mind which resonate with our aesthetic and emotional faculties? What are social issues but ways in which humans try to coordinate their behavior and come to working arrangements that benefit everyone? There's no aspect of life that cannot be illuminated by a better understanding of the mind from scientific psychology. And for me the most recent example is the process of writing itself.” • #длиннотексты - × × ×
Продолжение игры в Криптос: The game developer, the CIA, and the sculpture driving them crazy • Eurogamer.net - http://www.eurogamer.net/article...
“As for the ciphertext itself, although Sanborn collaborated with the CIA's Ed Scheidt to create the code, the actual messages are his own work. It turns out that there's little sense of revelation even here, though. K1 through K3 have been broken for some time, but their contents, once revealed, only seem to enhance the mystery, to sharpen the contrast. The solutions draw you inwards rather than outwards - as does a certain playful confusion surrounding their cracking.” - × × ×
“As for Sanborn's feelings? "Sanborn has given different answers," says Dunin. "Sometimes he says that he's just getting too much attention, it's just too crazy. He gets odd people showing up at his doorstep, and he just kind of wants it done. Like any human, he changes his mind day by day, though. Sometimes he says that even after we solve the fourth part there's still a remaining mystery solved, because he thinks that with good art, you should never understand everything that you see - otherwise it's just a waste." ¶ She laughs. "And then sometimes he says he would love to die knowing it has not been solved. To which I say: well, I've got a couple of members of my group who can make that happen!" - × × ×
Rats Regret Making the Wrong Decision | Science Blogs | WIRED - http://www.wired.com/2014...
"The rats showed three behaviors consistent with regret. First, the rats only looked backwards in the regret conditions, and not in the disappointment conditions. Second, they were more likely to take a bad deal if they had just passed up a good deal. And third, instead of taking their time eating and then grooming themselves afterwards, the rats in the regret conditions wolfed down the food and immediately took off to the next restaurant." • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
“This matches the human experience of regret,” says Redish. “You don’t regret the things you didn’t get; you regret the thing you didn’t do.” - × × ×
Why Notifications Are About to Rule the Smartphone Interface | Gadget Lab | WIRED - http://www.wired.com/2014...
"When we can interact with our data in short bursts via notifications, we make remarkable efficiency gains, especially on tasks that we perform again and again. Apps will become more about information and communications; we’re going to think of them as services instead of as windows onto our data. The things that can make best use of single click efficiency will soar. A whole new world is up there waiting for us at the top of the screen. We just need to pull it down." - × × ×
Why Students Aren't Fighting Forever 21 : The New Yorker - http://www.newyorker.com/online...
“Last month, the retailer Forever 21, known for producing trendy, ephemeral clothing for young women, opened a store outside Los Angeles that surprised even some people familiar with the chain’s improbably low prices. The test store is called F21 Red. It has a slick, industrial floor and harsh overhead lighting that highlights prominent pricing signs. Jeans cost $7.80; tank tops are $4.80; camisoles are $1.80. Every tag looks like it’s missing a digit.” • #trendtaste - × × ×
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Отличная иллюстрация к экосистемам и комплексности: аморфные рабочие процессы и оргкультура привели к отмиранию профсоюзов. С ними исчезло организованное движение, которое учило людей отстаивать права и свободы (воображаемые и не очень). - × × ×
Отсутствие заметного бренда не позволяет отличить один продукт от другого и снимает с покупателя репутационные риски. - × × ×
Новые модные форматы демонстрируют успешное потребление — http://www.slate.com/article..., а продавцы учатся эти форматы поощрять и использовать. - × × ×
Так как «покупать выгодно» — удовольствие само по себе, то низкое качество и одноразовость вещей не так заметны, как допаминовый кайф от отличной покупки. Вещь растворится уже потом, и виновата в этом будет стиралка, а аутлет-дискаунтер так и останется местом, где занедорого продаётся чистый быстрорастворимый кайф. - × × ×
The Case for Banning Laptops in the Classroom : The New Yorker - http://www.newyorker.com/online...
“My children play math games that combine the speed of an active video game with the materials of basic arithmetic—rewarding fast play and correctness—but why is it so important that they solve math problems as if they were driving a digital sports car at high speed? What about the integration of digital reward systems, so prevalent in and important to the business models of online gaming, into learning? These games prime and then exploit the user’s “compulsion loop,” an acknowledged behavioral modality linked to addictive behavior.” - × × ×
RT @datatheism: Dystopia Tracker. Track sci-fi fantasies as they become reality: http://www.dystopiatracker.com/E cc @GreatDismal @doctorow @bruces @honorharger
M: Roger Angell, A Hall-of-Famer at 93 - Lifestyle - Men's Wear - WWD.com - http://www.wwd.com/menswea...
"Roger Angell goes to work almost every day at The New Yorker, where he has been a writer and editor since 1956. Earlier this year, an essay he wrote for the magazine—a meditation on the gains and losses that come with age, titled “This Old Man”—managed to cut through the noise, becoming a subject of conversation at Manhattan cocktail parties and in Brooklyn bars while also generating thousands of tweets and more than 40,000 Facebook shares. “Check me out,” the story begins. “The top two knuckles of my left hand look as if I’d been worked over by the K.G.B.”" - × × ×
Update on Medium’s Paid Collection Experiments — The Story — Medium - https://medium.com/the-sto...
"About a year ago, we began hiring people to run some collections for Medium. We deputized them as publishers and editors-in-chief of their own mini-publications on Medium, free to hire and pay (or not) their own writers and run their collections more or less by their own lights. We basically told them to go out and build the biggest audience they could, and we’d pick up the tab." • #будущее_мидий - × × ×
Как CCP закопали World of Darkness - the inside story on the death of a game | Technology | theguardian.com - http://www.theguardian.com/technol...
"This April, the long-awaited multiplayer game World of Darkness was cancelled. Ian G Williams explores how bad management hubris wasted nearly a decade of work" • #проигры - × × ×
8 more comments
:( I thought better of CCP. - 9000
^ look who's talking :) - Michael Bravo
вот суки! - insecure Bangalore
@mbravo: Huh? I never even played Eve. But I heard high praises to the way Eve world is managed. - 9000
@9000 I mean Google, not you personally :) (WoD closure was driven by realistic economic rationale and the priority of core assets i.e. EvE universe over potentials such as WoD) - Michael Bravo
also, a thorough viewing of latest Fanfest stream on youtube might be helpful (or at least the keynotes) - Michael Bravo
@mbravo; Ah, yes, "you work on a unicorn-decommissioning factory" (q) I don't work on public-facing products, though. - 9000
Rachael: May I ask you a personal question? Deckard: Sure. Rachael: Have you ever retired a human by mistake? Deckard: No. Rachael: But in your position, that is a risk. - Michael Bravo
^ !!!!!! - A. T.
Being Happy With Sugar - The Atlantic - http://www.theatlantic.com/feature...
“Popular media are full of dramatic claims that sugar is toxic. And there’s intense disagreement about recommendations to replace table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup with “natural” sweeteners like agave nectar or fruit juice. What to make of it all?” - × × ×
Tickets for Restaurants | Alinea - http://website.alinearestaurant.com/site...
“I assumed at the time, about a year before we opened, that I would simply adopt the ticketing software from a theater system, sports ticketing software, or event tickets to use at Next. But it was immediately clear that none of these would work. Restaurants have a very different type of seating template than a theater show or sporting event. None of the ticket software systems met even half of our needs. I then contacted a number of the existing reservations software companies to ask if they wanted to either open their API to us, or partner on creating a ticketing extension to their system. All said no. Actually, no is too kind a word. Dismissive is far more accurate. One of the big players told me, “We studied that years ago and concluded no one wants or needs it.” - × × ×
“I showed Grant how to click on a table on the calendar page to ‘turn on’ a ticket for a table. He did and it turned from YELLOW to GREEN. I then refreshed the page and it was RED. “What happened,” he asked? “It sold.” He did it again, this time 2 months out on a Wednesday night at 9:30 PM. Same result, instant sale. “There are 8,432 people on the system hitting the refresh button right now chef. As soon as you unlock one, it sells. Here, look.” I opened another window with our credit card processing transactions listed. $ 57,293 in sales in the first hour of the system. $ 358,483 in the first 24-hours. Two days later $563,874 of revenue was in our bank.” - × × ×
RT @advicetowriters: A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper. E.B. WHITE https://twitter.com/AdviceT...
Это человек, который написал знаменитые Elements Of Style! - flamebait generator
Ватсон наиндексировал столько, что из своей базы про одну только еду уже может сочинять <s>поэмы</s> уникальные неизведанные рецепты: Four IBM chefs whose hands prepare Watson’s recipes: Chef James Briscione, Chef Michael Laiskonis, Chef Michael Garret, and Florian Pinel - http://upstart.bizjournals.com/entrepr...
"The UpTake: Thanks to Watson's massive reservoir of data about what kind of food combinations humans love, the super computer has proven a knack for creating popular, unique recipes. But for the time being, it still doesn't have hands to prepare the food." - × × ×
You thought the AI will write brilliant poems and compose music for you? It will create brilliant sandwiches and compose perfect salads instead. - 9000
Чо-то думаю, если старушка Буджолд писала бы первые тома сегодня, начиналось бы не со знакомства Корделии с Эйрелом на спорной планете, а чуть раньше, с яркого и проникновенного мужского романа Эйрела с принцем Зергом.
Кровь, война, испытание чувств огнём, водой и трубами, такое. - × × ×
Планирование встреч «на кофе и потрепаться» методом «ок, сегодня» [х]
Очень полезно иметь подруг-для-разговоров, общение с ними хорошо тренирует каждый раз ту часть мозга, которая про слова и смолток, который не смолток, а пакет сигналов, знаков и меток об опыте, что уложен непривычным для меня способом. - × × ×
RT @ftrain: Xanadu: I love it. Its true to his vision in "Literary Machines." The person got the thing out of his brain and onto the screen. 51 years! — http://www.xanadu.com/
ох, они _почти_ переписали его на яваскрипте. the vaporest vaporware in the world - кот от котов
THE GREATGRANDFATHER OF ALL YER VAPORWARE! Так точнее. Никакому Дюку Нюкему не снилось. ) - × × ×
The Daily WTF: Путин посоветовал главе ФАС тщательнее выбирать выражения — Lenta.ru: Россия: Политика - http://lenta.ru/news...
«Как передает ИТАР-ТАСС, на заседании комиссии по ТЭК в Астрахани Артемьев заявил, что «ценообразование на газ в Российской Федерации не имеет ничего общего с рыночным ценообразованием: были изобретены формулы, в которых скрещены коэффициенты круглые с зелеными». ¶ Путин прервал его: «Вы так больше никогда не говорите». «А то [глава Минэкономразвития Алексей] Улюкаев не сможет работать с некоторыми коллегами», — отметил президент. ¶ По словам Путина, в России рыночное ценообразование. «Понимаете, рыночное», — обратился глава государства к руководителю ФАС. «Есть», — ответил ему Артемьев». • #the_daily_wtf - × × ×
Артемьев отлично выступил, и про «круглые с зелеными», и про «есть». Думаю, не добавить ли в практику тег #циркадин. - × × ×
RT @bobulate: "Reading is a technology for perspective-taking." http://wp.me/pjrnv-Hx
4 июня, и мы снова вспоминаем Марвина Джона Химайера и его бронебойный бульдозер.
«Если вы пойдете по мне и по моим правам ради своей выгоды, я закончусь вместе с вашей выгодой и с вашими планами на нее, причем по собственному выбору и очень неудобным для вас способом». - × × ×
How Different Cultures Understand Time - Business Insider - http://www.businessinsider.com/how-dif...
“Time is seen in a particularly different light by Eastern and Western cultures, and even within these groupings assumes quite dissimilar aspects from country to country. In the Western Hemisphere, the United States and Mexico employ time in such diametrically opposing manners that it causes intense friction between the two peoples. In Western Europe, the Swiss attitude to time bears little relation to that of neighboring Italy. Thais do not evaluate the passing of time in the same way that the Japanese do. In Britain the future stretches out in front of you. In Madagascar it flows into the back of your head from behind.” - × × ×
У древних ирландцев время шло по кругу и вверх. Не знаю как у современных. - лайм безбожников
Visionare — Establish your goals. Connect with people who share similar dreams. Learn from those who are already there. - http://www.bevisionare.com/
“Make a wish — Send us your dream — We will try to find a person who already achieved it, so you can enjoy professional guidance in our web and application.” - × × ×
Evolution: Balls and brains — The quality of a man’s sperm depends on how intelligent he is, and vice versa | The Economist - http://www.economist.com/node...
“Alternatively (or in addition) it may be that intelligence is one manifestation of an underlying, genetically based healthiness. That is a view held by many evolutionary biologists, and was propounded in its modern form by Geoffrey Miller of the University of New Mexico, who is one of Ms Arden's co-authors (and, as it happens, her husband). These biologists believe intelligence, as manifested in things like artistic and musical ability, is such a reliable indicator of underlying genetic fitness that it has been chosen by members of the opposite sex over the millennia. In the ensuing arms race to show off and get a mate it has been exaggerated in the way that a peacock's tail is. This process of sexual selection, Dr Miller and his followers believe, is the reason people have become so brainy.” • #схватил_за_мозг - #сапиосексуалы - × × ×
Интересно, как все по-разному оценивают и видят эту идею. Мне вот близка гипотеза, что, как в дженге, по мере усложнения условного интеллекта накапливается число возможных способов «всё поломать». И, собственно, поэтому artistic minds склонны к депрессиям, неврозам и саморазрушению. Зато если внутреннего ресурса столько, что сумели стабилизироваться и размножиться, то это примерно как «заработать генетическое состояние». Умным проще моделировать себя и будущее, а значит — выживать и размножаться. - × × ×
RT @history_pics: The Isolator, a helmet invented in 1925 that encourages focus and concentration. https://twitter.com/History...
а кто плохо концентрируется -- тому можно и кислород, того, отрегулировать. Хотя, может, у него в баллоне не кислород, а, например, закись азота - скажу, хоть тред не читал
^ Подозреваю, в баллоне, по моде тех лет, смесь воздуха и табачного дыма. - 9000
С пятого по седьмое июня Москве обещают дни 30°+.
Всё это как-то резко континентально. - × × ×
Nice! - ◻◇