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266 подписок


Никогда такого не было, и вот опять • Sapienti sat • «Жизнь представала перед Евгением во всем своем удручающем многообразии».
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off - The Atlantic (July/August 2009) - http://www.theatlantic.com/doc...
"Sobered by this failure as a mother—which is to say, my failure as a wife—I’ve since begun a journey of reading, thinking, and listening to what’s going on in other 21st-century American families. And along the way, I’ve begun to wonder, what with all the abject and swallowed misery: Why do we still insist on marriage? Sure, it made sense to agrarian families before 1900, when to farm the land, one needed two spouses, grandparents, and a raft of children. But now that we have white-collar work and washing machines, and our life expectancy has shot from 47 to 77, isn’t the idea of lifelong marriage obsolete?" - × × ×
Теперь банановый: темы оформления во Френдфиде — «попробуйте Гельветику, синюю волну или сиреневых бабочек!» http://blog.friendfeed.com/2009... (via http://friendfeed.com/friendf...)
Вот уже скоро придут брендованные темы, и всё станет замечательно. - × × ×
3 more comments
вот в гельветике разобрать странные полосочки над формой ввода - и будет идеально - Quaintrelle
видимо, снова хана всем юзерскриптам :) - alex@kapranoff.ru
Ну, сегодня ж всё равно вышел новый Файрфокс, а под него — новый гризманки, а под него, не исключено, и юзерскрипты менять, а тут и френдфид. Видишь, как всё совпало удачно. :) - × × ×
круши@переписывай - Quaintrelle
And that's just what they'll do on Flickr - Photo Sharing! - http://ffffound.com/image...
Эта девушка на превью напоминает одну мою знакомую http://g.io.ua/img_aa... - sashun4a
Какая сильная разница в восприятии. :) Для меня эти два фото совсем не похожи. - × × ×
And that's just what they'll do on Flickr - Photo Sharing! - http://ffffound.com/image...
Bear McCreary – Gina Escapes - http://www.last.fm/music...
New York City Starts Contest for Big Apple Apps - http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009...
“New York City will offer prizes, including dinner with the mayor, to developers who come up with creative applications that tap into city data such as property records and restaurant inspections.” - × × ×
Start-Up's Software Goes to Employees for Company Forecasts - http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009...
“Here’s how it works: companies pay an annual fee for the Web-based software and employees start out with a certain amount of virtual money. When people inside the company pose a question — such as when a new game will be ready to ship or whether a competitor’s new drug will get regulatory approval — employees offer a response and choose an amount to bet on its accuracy. In comments, they can anonymously explain their reasoning. Then, if they are right, they get more money and a louder voice in the future; if they are wrong, they lose money and do not have as much to bet later on. [...] During a pilot period, five large companies, including Warner Brothers and General Motors, have been using Crowdcast to predict revenue, ship dates or new products from competitors. About 4,000 bets have been placed, and predictions have been about 50 percent more accurate than official forecasts, Ms. Fine said.” - × × ×
Yay to prediction markets! - alex@kapranoff.ru
O' Bedlam!!! - (Amanda, looking about as cute as cute can be,... - http://ffffound.com/image...
O' Bedlam!!! - 5lights:by Lou My last piece for the 5Lights... - http://ffffound.com/image...
Amanda Would Like To Remind You To Breathe, Because You Probably Aren't Right Now on Flickr - Photo Sharing! - http://ffffound.com/image...
«На дороге смирения с 1999 года» — с сомнениями, и с мрачным и молчаливым упорством в преодолении инерции покоя
«Потому что никому нет никакого дела до твоих богов, и в (д/п)остижении ты сам за себя, создавая новые цивилизации, сжигая города и отстраивая храмы на пепелищах.» Никто не создаёт правила, кроме. - × × ×
Недели христианских ценностей во френдфиде. Хорошо, хорошо, это очень хорошо - Неягл☀в
Project #5 - Submissions - Part 9 - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS - http://ffffound.com/image...
Project #5 - Submissions - Part 4 - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS - http://ffffound.com/image...
Project #5 - Submissions - Part 7 - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS - http://ffffound.com/image...
Project #5 - Submissions - Part 7 - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS - http://ffffound.com/image...
Project #5 - Submissions - Part 7 - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS - http://ffffound.com/image...