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266 подписок


Никогда такого не было, и вот опять • Sapienti sat • «Жизнь представала перед Евгением во всем своем удручающем многообразии».
0.039 — 1.618 — Журнал Esquire - http://esquire.ru/1.618/0-039
«Микстейп «The music is free, but you have to pay for tears, blood and happiness» от интернет-маркетолога Влада Добровольского в серии микстейпов, составленных коллегами и друзьями автора блога 1.618» • #музыкальная_шкатулка - × × ×
Know Your Gmail Stats using Gmail Meter | Official Gmail Blog - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2012...
“Gmail Meter is an Apps Script which runs on the first day of every month and sends you an email containing different statistics about your Inbox. In a similar way to how recently introduced Google Account Activity gives key stats about how you’ve used your Google Account, Gmail Meter gives you different types of statistics that will help you analyze your Gmail habits.” • #говоря_статистически #aqsc - × × ×
Interview with Dave Johnston, creator of Counter-Strike’s de_dust – the most played map in history | N4G - http://n4g.com/news...
"What were your intentions when you were 16 and you created de_dust?" - nazer1
Если вы ещё не, спешите: 3 гениальные игры Аманита Дизайн (+2) продаются в Humble Bundle за «сколько не жалко» → http://b23.ru/kdap
И там очень хорошие саундтреки, как раз для рабочих дней и прогулок по городу. • #проигры#музыкальная_шкатулка - × × ×
Теперь банановый: “Bonus pack now included! We've added a bonus pack for all customers including behind-the-scenes material for Botanicula and Kooky, the experimental interactive music project Osada, and more!” Всего неделя до конца предложения. - × × ×
Osada чумовая, кстати - Evelynne
How Psychedelic Drugs Can Help Patients Face Death - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2012...
"What are you taking pills for? — Eh. You know. Life." S03E17 • Veronica Mars неудержимо подходит к концу, но навсегда останется в наших с.
Coming Soon: Electric Vehicles That Talk To The Power Grid To Prevent Blackouts - http://www.fastcoexist.com/1679671...
Co.Exist: Imagine a future where your electric car & the grid converse about the right time to charge. It's not that far off. http://t.co/cOHw1wLy - × × ×
Neo-Nazi Rehab: How Do You Change The Mind Of An Extremist? - http://www.fastcoexist.com/1679670...
Co.Exist: How to rehabilitate a Neo-Nazi (or any other young extremist). http://t.co/3KvaO5Aa - × × ×
RT @fakeapstylebook: Do not bracket nonrestrictive phrases with commas. Nonrestrictive phrases yearn to be free and feel the wind in their hair.
«Чайная высота» - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
«Чайная высота» - × × ×
Под растафари-мелодии сидим в чайном клубе. «Непривычное сопровождение, обычно что-то китайское. — Ага. Дни Боба Марли в «Чайной высоте»!
такой специальный чай - Peter Fedin
Комсомольская-радиальная (Taken with instagram) - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
Комсомольская-радиальная (Taken with instagram) - × × ×
Лёд на Чистых прудах. На улице +21. (Taken with Instagram at... - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
Лёд на Чистых прудах. На улице +21. (Taken with Instagram at Чистые Пруды) - × × ×
Мохнатые светильники в Муми-кафе - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Мохнатые светильники в Муми-кафе (Taken with instagram) - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
Мохнатые светильники в Муми-кафе (Taken with instagram) - × × ×
Well-Being: How to think about psychotherapy » PortWatch » NewburyportNews.com, Newburyport, MA - http://www.newburyportnews.com/lifesty...
RT @catherine_mayer: Bad bad science: Russia develops weapons that target your chromosomes, your mind--and the laws of physics http://www.time.com/time... via @TIME
«Экранизацию Курочки Рябы Бекмамбетов открывает кадрами, на которых военные в костюмах химзащиты снимают карантин с полувымершей деревни».
“Bad bad science: Russia develops weapons that target your chromosomes, your mind—and the laws of physics” — http://t.co/goNesNvW#безжалостный_постмодернизм - × × ×
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После Шерлока, который в собаке Баскервиллей совмещает классический детективный сюжет и какой-то безумный фринж-саспенс, можно заново переоткрывать вообще все классические сказки, все-все. • И здесь нужно поставить ссылку на разговор о Железной хватке: http://friendfeed.com/urbansh... - × × ×
Обшарпанные стены заброшенной ядерной станции, крупным планом которых открывается триллер "Гена и Чебурашка", ага - lightforce manager
Я, скорее, думал про метеорит, который пробивает крышу убежища зелёного парня, а внутри кратера оказывается грубо сколоченный ящик с ушастым существом с крупной головой. - × × ×
Смерть его на конце иглы, та игла в яйце, то яйцо в утке, та утка в зайце, тот заяц в сундуке, а сундук стоит на высоком дубу в параллельной вселенной. - lightforce manager
Да, в самом конце этой параллельной вселенной. - × × ×
то яйцо в утке, то утка в зайце, то заяц еще где-нибудь -- поди, разбери их... - радио морских снегоходов
Последние три комментария - это реальный пересказ четвертого сезона fringe. Там кощей во всем виноват - lightforce manager
Интересно, что в России кафе и рестораны ссылки на свои ВК/ФБ-страницы ставят, а ссылки на страницу на сайтах с рецензиями — почти никогда.
Т.е. трафик на каталожные сайты разводят по-прежнему только поисковики. И узнавать о том, куда сходить поесть-поговорить-посмотреть-провести вечер приходится запросом в поиск, который уже обслуживает ищущего через колдунщики-one box и свои же картографическо-каталожные сервисы. Нда. - × × ×
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При этом разных новых претендентов на роль каталога заведений десятки. Смешной вот http://a-a-ah.ru/, который вроде как пытается решать максимум разных кейсов, и забавно организует навигацию между местами по географии. Т.е. это как placeplaceplace.ru, но лучше. #места_знать_надо - × × ×
Впрочем, афишевского набора фильтров «метро - вайфай - круглосуточно - до 1500» тоже не хватает, и мест слишком мало. - × × ×
О, у меня же есть список мест со звёздочками в афише! Что ж я всё время про него забываю-то. Круто. - × × ×
…My heart’s in Accra » The tweetbomb and the ethics of attention - http://www.ethanzuckerman.com/blog...
Superb @EthanZ piece on tweetbombing and the ethics of attention: ... "ethics of attention" is a very useful coinage. - × × ×
Cloudflare’s Instaflare is an Instagram for all the images on your website — Seriously | VentureBeat - http://venturebeat.com/2012...
"Having a bit of fun with all the Instagram hype these days, the website optimization service Cloudflare has launched Instaflare, a cheeky new feature that will let users of its platform apply filters to all of the images on your site. “Only with Instaflare can you be sure that all the images on your site, whether you made them yourself or not, have instant flair!” Cloudflare writes on the Instaflare product page. “Use of this app will significantly improve the valuation of your business (perhaps).”" - × × ×
Kickstarter funding explodes, on pace to triple this year to around $300M | VentureBeat - http://venturebeat.com/2012...
“But tech projects represent just one portion of Kickstarter’s funding base. Back in February Kickstarter co-founder Yancey Strickler said the company was on pace to distribute more funding than the $146 million given out each year by the National Endowment for the Arts. ¶ I decided to take a look at all the successful projects funded since the beginning of 2012 to get a sense of how the startup was growing. ¶ Based on that data, Kickstarter is on pace to raise around $300 million this year, triple what it did in 2011.” • #trendtaste - × × ×
Creative Dad Takes Crazy Photos Of Daughters | Bored Panda - http://www.boredpanda.com/creativ...
“If you are tired of posed, stiff and cheesy family portraits, then take a look at these incredibly creative pictures taken by Jason Lee. Jason who is a wedding photographer started taking photos of his two little daughters back in 2006 when his mom was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The girls were constantly sick, with colds and coughs so he couldn’t always bring them to visit their grandmother. Jason wanted her to be able to see her granddaughters without catching their kid germs so he started a blog where his mom could see what was going on in their lives. Most of the ideas come from his daughters – eight-year-old Kristin and five-year-old Kayla. Jason says that they are never-ending source of ideas.” #now_this_is_awesome#фотосерии - × × ×
RT @OHnewsroom: TV Producer: "I don’t have time to be passive-aggressive any more. I’m just going to go with aggressive."
Вслед за FastCo и всей остальной вселенной Вайред открыл свою рубрику о дизайне: Design - Make Ideas Happen | Wired.com - http://www.wired.com/design/
“You may not think you’re a designer, but you are. Every day. From the way you mod your bike, to the things you put up on your walls (bedroom, Facebook, whatever), you are creating the world around you. ¶ Okay, you say, but I have no idea how to make real stuff. That’s where Wired Design comes in. Today, you don’t need an arc welder or VC funding. You just need an idea. You’ve got ideas, right? Oh, and possibly some of today’s tools, apps, hardware, and software that make being a designer in everyday life possible.” - × × ×
The Impossibility of Making New Friends ¶ After moving to New York, Janet Manley attempts to find new friends through Meetup.com. « The Bygone Bureau - http://bygonebureau.com/2012...
"However, the difference between meeting people through friends of friends, and meeting people through a meet-up is the filter that is missing. As Groucho Marx said, “I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” Through internet-facilitated introductions, the social filter — rejection, antagonism, indifference — that serves to sift “like spirits” from cloudiness is missing. You cast a wider net, but so, too, you catch more sneakers and transistor radios and car tires than fish (presuming this metaphor is employed in the East River). Even so, you may see me at the annual Caveman Campout this year; I’m putting it tentatively on the calendar." • #стайность - × × ×
On Editing: A Look Inside The Morning News, McSweeney’s, and The Awl ¶ Kevin Nguyen asks the editors of three prominent web publications about their editorial processes. « The Bygone Bureau - http://bygonebureau.com/2010...
“The web has a reputation for being scrappier and looser with its editorial standards than traditional print outlets. But even with fewer formal structures for editing and fewer editors, a handful of websites still publish some of the best, most ambitious writing today. How do those editors do it? I asked a few of my favorite online publications about their editorial processes.” - × × ×
Combating Congestion With Cash And Games | Co.Exist: World changing ideas and innovation - http://www.fastcoexist.com/1679652...
Combating Congestion With Cash And Games by @btschiller - × × ×
Fez вышел! — The PA Report - Fez offers fun, clever puzzles for players… but there are darker and trickier secrets inside - http://penny-arcade.com/report...
"The more you discover in the game the more it feels like Fez opens its eyes and begins to see you. Puzzle games become tiresome when designers drop hints that they’re more clever than you, but Fez is much more of a conversation than a lecture. You are safe to explore, and you will often be unsettled, delighted, and satisfied by what you find. Fez was worth the wait." #проигры - × × ×