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Никогда такого не было, и вот опять • Sapienti sat • «Жизнь представала перед Евгением во всем своем удручающем многообразии».
52955761_48aa753d78.jpg (JPEG Image, 500x400 pixels) - http://ffffound.com/image...
New York Times Fashion Week Diary on the Behance Network - http://ffffound.com/image...
Проигры: Самое печальное в новом поколении DLC-игр то, что мало кто встраивает обновления в историю. Получается выпадание из «мира» в «игру», тоска.
«Только сегодня — пять новых крыльев для вашего осьминога в приключении на Изоргасте по смешной цене 19,95!» Бе-е-е. - × × ×
Gallery - Wallpaper.com - International Design Interiors Fashion Travel - http://ffffound.com/image...
Gallery - Wallpaper.com - International Design Interiors Fashion Travel - http://ffffound.com/image...
Gallery - Wallpaper.com - International Design Interiors Fashion Travel - http://ffffound.com/image...
Gallery - Wallpaper.com - International Design Interiors Fashion Travel - http://ffffound.com/image...
Gallery - Wallpaper.com - International Design Interiors Fashion Travel - http://ffffound.com/image...
“Request to License” via Getty Images is here! « Flickr Blog - http://blog.flickr.net/en...
“Starting today in the Flickrverse, Flickr members and visitors can work with each other through a new program with Getty Images called “Request to License”. We’ve built this program on the success of our launch of the Flickr Collection on Getty Images just over one year ago. ¶ When a prospective licensee sees an image marked for license, they can click on the link and be put in touch with a representative from Getty Images who will help handle details like permissions, releases and pricing. Once reviewed, the Getty Images editors will send you a FlickrMail to request to license your work, either for commercial or editorial usage. The decision to license is always yours.” - × × ×
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs for design - Holy Kaw! - http://ffffound.com/image...