930 подписчика/-ов
266 подписок


Никогда такого не было, и вот опять • Sapienti sat • «Жизнь представала перед Евгением во всем своем удручающем многообразии».
Media for Thinking the Unthinkable — Designing a new medium for science and engineering, Bret Victor / April 2013 - http://worrydream.com/MediaFo...
“I publish talks because this work is best conveyed through live demos — show-and-tell — and the "talk" is a medium that supports that. ¶ But a talk is a poor knowledge-container. It's opaque. The viewer can't skim, browse, or get a gist at a glance. Ideas can't be looked up as needed; they feel fleeting. The medium works well for entertainment — watch and enjoy — but not for a toolbox. ¶ This page is an attempt to "explode" a demo-driven talk into a skimmable, browsable, gistable form, where individual ideas can be quickly referenced later.” • #визуализация - × × ×
Очень классное видео, спасибо - nazer
The Daily WTF: ЦБ предложил россиянам выбрать символ рубля / Lenta.ru: Экономика: Деньги - http://lenta.ru/news...
«В Банке России выбирают символ рубля с 2007 года, при этом один из вариантов (предложенный дизайнером Артемием Лебедевым) уже давно неофициально используется для ценников. В 2010 году в ЦБ обещали выбрать знак для российской валюты в 2011-м.» • #the_daily_wtf - × × ×
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...и мы не тормоза. - smallq
Проголосовал за последний! - alex@kapranoff.ru
Каппа, ну ты чего, они его теперь и примут! А чтобы отличать пробел от последнего будут, как в ворде, подсвечивать его точечками ∙ ) - × × ×
Пятый вариант больше всего соответствует, как мне кажется. - tobe
А вот эта косая на 3-5 варианте - это чтоб на правую половину двуглавого орла было похоже? - Анё
Только славянские руны! - социальный груффало
«Пять знаков, которые предлагались наиболее часто…» — откуда пошла эта мода на Design by Committee? Игра в демократию? - муха шла
Mindfulness - Getting Its Share of Attention - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
“As Soren Gordhamer patiently quieted a packed Wisdom 2.0 event in San Francisco in September for a guided meditation, a few in the communal meeting space known as the Hub couldn’t resist thumbing another message or two before pocketing their sacred devices. A willowy young brunette in a black T-shirt shot video of the crowd with her iPad from her front-row seat. Even after Mr. Gordhamer, who is tall with a sculptural face and Errol Flynn hair, urged the group to “come into presence,” his voice rising in emphasis, someone’s phone was buzzing like a dragonfly. ¶ Mr. Gordhamer started Wisdom 2.0 in 2009 to examine how we can live with technology without it swallowing us whole. The wait lists for his panel talks and conferences now run into the hundreds.” • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
!!! “Asked if he might make a habit of strolling through San Francisco without a device vibrating in his pocket, Mr. Williams paused for what sounded like a moment of reflection, but then he laughed. ¶ “It wasn’t a conscious effort to turn off my phone,” he said. “It happened that I needed to charge it.” - × × ×
Osmo Wiio: Communication usually fails, except by accident / by Jason Fried of 37signals - http://37signals.com/svn...
"Osmo Wiio is a Finnish researcher of human communication. He has studied, among other things, readability of texts, organizations and communication within them, and the general theory of communication. His laws of communication are the human communications equivalent of Murphy’s Laws." - × × ×
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• If communication can fail, it will. - × × ×
• If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in just that way which does the most harm. - × × ×
• There is always somebody who knows better than you what you meant by your message. - × × ×
• The more communication there is, the more difficult it is for communication to succeed. - × × ×
Fake femme fatale dupes IT guys at US government agency | Naked Security - http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013...
"Ryan cooked up Robin Sage profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., using them to contact nearly 300 people, most of whom were security specialists, military personnel, staff at intelligence agencies and defense contractors. Despite the completely fake profile, which was populated with photos taken from an amateur pornography site, and despite the character's name being taken from a US Army exercise, Sage was offered work at many companies, including Google and Lockheed Martin. She was also asked out to dinner by her male friends, was invited to speak at a private-sector security conference in Miami, and was asked to review an important technical paper by a NASA researcher, the Washington Times reported." - × × ×
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При виде такого каждый раз всякие выдуманные шпионские истории кажутся банальностью и унылыми повседневными буднями. • #конкультура - × × ×
Woman in red :) - mindszenty
Самая настоящая, да. Вачовски знают людей. ) - × × ×
Пока toylike изобретала инновационный формат «блог», я, в очередной итерации диалогов с самим собой (в бумажном блокноте и с окрестностями за окном электрички) о том, как совмещать простоту-функциональность-гибкость, ВНЕЗАПНО переизобрёл обратно вики. Посчитал: не думал о виках-для-личного-пользования семь лет. Вздохнул. Старость и отупение.
Что, в общем, не так уж и плохо, но я только сейчас понимаю, что чувствовали, глядя на нас всех, Тед Нельсон и Дуг Энгельбарт. «Ну тупыыые» — вот что они думали. ( - × × ×
Да уж, Вика. - социальный груффало
Моя голова пока что ломается о совмещение бумаги и электронного поэта (архива, то есть; автокоррект как всегда в тему). Вики-бумага? Или в бумаге произошла находка? - toylike
NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained | World news | theguardian.com - http://www.theguardian.com/world...
“What the revelations mean for you.” - × × ×
счётчик убедительный тикает - earlyadopter
вот это подача! - Phil Smirnov
Месяц МЛ.
Из переписки: «У меня отличный маниакальный настрой, но я просто слишком хорошо знаю, что после десятого ноября начнутся проклятия, чувство вины, «будь проклят тот день, когда я сел за баранку этого пылесоса», вот это вот всё. Поэтому каждый раз после ноября я себе обещал, что «без ко-МЛ в эту фигню не лезть». Но потом летом снова приходит письмо от Нанораймы, всё солнечно, оптимистично, ноябрь кажется одним из лучших месяцев для интровертов в году. И так по кругу. В этот раз я понял, что можно написать тебе. ) Если не получится, начну вести анонимный дневник регионального представителя и буду жаловаться на жизнь в колодец!» - × × ×
Хотел в регионный угол воткнуть гифку с даффи даком, а они её не влезли. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_... - × × ×
[...] В которой герой обнаруживает себя традиционно спасающим человечество против его воли. - × × ×
Typographic Checklist | The Type Studio - http://thetypestudio.com/fyti...
"At long last, I finally created a checklist that covers issues I’m most frequently asked about in my workshops. You can download the PDF and print it out. You can also click on the links to learn more, as I’ve previously published columns dedicated to most of these topics. You may find it useful to customize your own checklist from the topics below for a specific client or project." - × × ×
Посвящается зае и её непредсказуемой жизни — с альбома Bits of Music from The Stanley Parable
Всё с тобой понятно, френдфидик. А Стенли офигенный. - × × ×
Does Life End at 35? | KZhu.net - http://kzhu.net/does-li...
"Do you sometimes lie awake worrying that you aren't succeeding fast enough? Are you tortured by younger peers who have global businesses, penned acclaimed books and a string of iron-man medals? Do you count down the years until you can no longer make the 30 under 30 list? Take a deep breath. My 92 year old grandpa has some advice for you." • #long_now - × × ×
The HN thread https://news.ycombinator.com/item... has some nice comments. - 9000
Годвилль служит прекрасным источником рандома и обычной бессмысленной радости от каламбуров и разных шуток. Иногда хороших, иногда смешных.
«Наиславнейший!» — пишет нам герой в дневнике, — «А ты сам меня выбрал или тебя наказали за что?» Очень хорошие они. - × × ×
Dark Mail Alliance - http://www.darkmail.info/
“Our Mission — To bring the world our unique end-to-end encrypted protocol and architecture that is the 'next-generation' of private and secure email. As founding partners of The Dark Mail Alliance, both Silent Circle and Lavabit will work to bring other members into the alliance, assist them in implementing the new protocol and jointly work to proliferate the worlds first end-to-end encrypted 'Email 3.0' throughout the world's email providers. Our goal is to open source the protocol and architecture and help others implement this new technology to address privacy concerns against surveillance and back door threats of any kind.” • #электропочта - #крипта - × × ×
Ах, так вот к чему суета с вайфай-чипами в утюгах была — Kremlin slips spying gadgets into G20 summit gift bags, newspapers say - latimes.com - http://www.latimes.com/world...
“Russian hosts of the Group of 20 summit near St. Petersburg in September sent world leaders home with gifts designed to keep on giving: memory sticks and recharging cables programmed to spy on their communications, two Italian newspapers reported Tuesday. ¶ A Kremlin spokesman denied the allegations reported by Il Corriere della Sera and La Stampa, both of which attributed their stories to findings of technical investigations ordered by the president of the European Council and carried out by German intelligence.” - × × ×
Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research (Volume 13, Issue 1, September 2013) - Readlists - http://readlists.com/b5d36bd9/
С легким привкусом вибраций / Lenta.ru: Наука и техника: Наука - http://lenta.ru/article...
«Недавно ученые выяснили, что вкус сычуаньского перца — популярного компонента китайской кухни — на самом деле совсем не вкус, а тактильное ощущение, родственное вибрации. Исследователям даже удалось рассчитать частоту вибрации, которая имитирует этот вкус (она оказалась близка к 50 герц). Что же такое настоящий вкус, а что им только притворяется? Сколько вкусов существует на самом деле и что о них ученые пока не знают? С этими вопросами разбиралась «Лента.ру». - × × ×
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Офигенные научные фичеры на ленте продолжаются! - × × ×
Вы таки пробовали этот сычуаньский перец? Удивительная же штука, большинство подопытных смогли описать его только ассоциацией с девятивольтовой батарейкой «крона» на язык, как в детстве. И правда, похоже. - можно, я потуплю?
таки пробовал. подопытные странные чуваки - адская скорлупа
Теперь за легофон взялась Моторола → The Official Motorola Blog: Goodbye Sticky. Hello Ara. - http://motorola-blog.blogspot.ru/2013...
"Meet Ara. Led by Motorola’s Advanced Technology and Projects group, Project Ara is developing a free, open hardware platform for creating highly modular smartphones. We want to do for hardware what the Android platform has done for software: create a vibrant third-party developer ecosystem, lower the barriers to entry, increase the pace of innovation, and substantially compress development timelines. Our goal is to drive a more thoughtful, expressive, and open relationship between users, developers, and their phones. To give you the power to decide what your phone does, how it looks, where and what it’s made of, how much it costs, and how long you’ll keep it." • #trendtaste - × × ×
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“We’ve been working on Project Ara for over a year. Recently, we met Dave Hakkens, the creator of Phonebloks. Turns out we share a common vision: to develop a phone platform that is modular, open, customizable, and made for the entire world. We’ve done deep technical work. Dave created a community. The power of open requires both. So we will be working on Project Ara in the open, engaging with the Phonebloks community throughout our development process, as well as asking questions to our Project Ara research scouts (volunteers interested in helping us learn about how people make choices).” - × × ×
Наш разговор про легофон в сентябре: http://friendfeed.com/urbansh... - × × ×
Reportr — Your life's personal dashboard. - http://www.reportr.io/
“Track Everything — Use Reportr to track everything that happens in your life: online or offline. • Powerful Visualizations — Visualize your data in many differents ways: line chart, pie chart, map, list, etc. • Open Source — The project is completely open source, you can host your own full private instance. • REST API — It’s so easy. With wrappers in Javascript, PHP, Python and more, you can get started in minutes." • #aqsc - #мой_личный_интернет - × × ×
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"host your own full private instance": priceless. - 9000
о! это то, что я искал тут: https://friendfeed.com/kkapp... -- попробую переехать. - alex@kapranoff.ru
@kkapp а что ты сейчас используешь? - Ivan Bessarabov
Startup Idea: The 6 Steps To Solve Personal Analytics — http://blog.kirigin.com/persona... - × × ×
@bessarabov, пропустил твой вопрос. использую http://emoncms.org/ - alex@kapranoff.ru
"Is there any government-hosted solution?" - радио морских снегоходов
@baton I know at least about one ... - A. T.
The Prison Guard With a Gift for Cracking Gang Codes - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus - http://nautil.us/blog...
"As a corrections officer at a Westchester County, N.Y., prison in the 1990s, Gary Klivans was a one-man gang unit. Members of The Latin Kings and the Bloods made up a sizable part of the prison population. Klivans learned quickly that to handle them, he needed to understand them, and that meant understanding the code they used to communicate. Klivans taught himself to decipher their messages. He became one of the most sought-after code-breakers in the country. (Also see the related Facts So Romantic post, “View From the Inside: How Gang Members Use Secret Codes.”) Even in retirement, his skills are in demand: Klivans sifts through encoded messages sent to him by law enforcement offers from around the country. “I have a knack for this. I see the patterns,” he told me. “Even as I’m printing the paper out, the words are jumping off the page at me.…A lot of people can’t see what I see.”" - × × ×
Казавшаяся такой смешной шутка «а давай заведём pain journal!» оказалась не смешной. И не шуткой. • #aqsc
Thanks to the “mancession,” metrosexuals have become “manfluencers™” - Quartz - http://qz.com/138822...
“They called it the “Great Mancession.” As the post-2008 economic decline put more men out of work than women in the US, marketers began to notice a trend: Men in opposite-sex couples were taking over what had traditionally been women’s roles. In focus group after focus group, Julie Murphy, an account planner at Midan Marketing, heard from under- and unemployed men who were buying and preparing most of the food in their households. Robbed of their economic potency, men were transforming themselves from chest-waxing metrosexuals into helpmates.” • #мужчинам_мужская_смерть (via @metavoid) - × × ×
Отличная подпись под картинкой: “Marketers were surprised to the point of neologism by the discovery that men shop for their families.” - × × ×
Why women lose the dating game - http://www.smh.com.au/federal...
“Although there are similar numbers of single men and women in their 30s overall - about 370,000 of each across Australia - half these available men had only high school education, 57 per cent earned $42,000 or less and 95,000 of them were unemployed. ¶ The high expectations of professional women are a big part of the story. Many high-achieving women simply are not interested in Mr Average, says Justin Parfitt, the owner of Australia's fastest growing speed-dating organisation, Fast Impressions. Parfitt adds: ''They've swallowed the L'Oreal line: 'Because you're worth it!' There's a real sense of entitlement.'” • #женщины_и_люди - #дейтинг - × × ×
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“Desiring love for your own life does not mean your self-esteem is too high. It means that ''finding a partner'' isn't a box that needs to be ticked on your life check list. It's an expectation that is replaced with real ideals such as ''enjoyment'' and ''professional stimulation'' and ''respect for the people around me'', alpha or not. ¶ Nobody should have to live in the artificially constructed ''buyer's market'' or ''dating game'' – where we all inevitably lose a proportion of our dignity and self-respect.” http://www.smh.com.au/federal... - × × ×
Помнится, у @mama1ari был тред про похожее, только с учётом возраста (после 35-40). - 9000
Узнал знакомую статью по фразе "rapidly closing reproductive window" - tcharge
Ох.) Все эти построения про "незаинтересованность в Mr. Average", (пугающие) завышенные требования и прочее — лишь конструкции ума. Самоуничтожаются при первом поцелуе. - Secret Garden
Гифки в офлайне! — Gifpop! Custom Gif Cards for Everyone by Sha Hwang (кончается 18 ноября) — Kickstarter - http://www.kickstarter.com/project...
"Gifpop is a tool to make custom cards from animated gifs, using the magic of lenticular printing." - × × ×
Они реализовали шутку про распечатку animated gif! - 9000
Why being a thinker means no smartphones - CNN.com - http://edition.cnn.com/2013...
"In his book, "Thinking, Fast and Slow," Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman mentions an experiment in which subjects were shown three words and were given two seconds to guess if they were linked. "Putting the participants in a good mood ... more than doubled accuracy," Kahneman writes. Unhappy subjects, on the other hand, made guesses that were no better than random. This is not to dismiss everything else we use to fill our brains. The Internet is a tool for thinking. So are meetings, mystery novels, video games and quiz shows, for that matter. And sometimes thinking has to be done on the fly. Impending deadlines, to paraphrase Samuel Johnson's line about the prospects of being hanged, can focus the mind wonderfully. But perhaps the best tool is time alone, feet up on the desk, staring at the ceiling." - × × ×
Electricity: Edison’s revenge — The humble USB cable is part of an electrical revolution. It will make power supplies greener and cheaper | The Economist - http://www.economist.com/news...
"Turning AC into the direct current required to power transistors (the heart of all electronic equipment) is a nuisance. The usual way is through a mains adaptor. These ubiquitous little black boxes are now cheap and light. But they are often inefficient, turning power into heat. And they are dumb: they run night and day, regardless of whether the price of electricity is high or low. It would be better to have a DC network, of the kind Mr Daniel has rigged up, for all electronic devices in a home or office. ¶ This is where USB cables come in. They carry direct current and also data. That means they can help set priorities between devices that are providing power and those that are consuming it: for example, a laptop that is charging a mobile phone. “The computer can say ‘I need to start the hard disk now, so no charging for the next ten seconds’,” says Mr Bhatt. The new standard, with variable voltage and greater power, enlarges the possibilities. So does another new feature: that power can flow in any direction." - × × ×
“This chimes with another advantage. A low-voltage DC network works well with solar panels. These produce DC power at variable times and in variable amounts. They are increasingly cheap, and can fit in windows or on roofs. Though solar power is tricky to feed into the AC mains grid, it is ideally suited to a low-voltage local DC network. When the sun is shining, it can help charge all your laptops, phones and other battery-powered devices.” - × × ×
Очень неожиданно обнаруживать «вертикали» в собственных записях разных лет — когда одни и те же записи развиваются, пересматриваются, дополняются, с разных сторон и точек зрения.
А также я нашёл идеальный «длинный интернет» на примере единственного сайта: http://gwern.net/ • Держит и ведёт его, как обычно, упоротый чувак, но ведёт очень хорошо, не придерёшься. - × × ×
2 more comments
http://www.gwern.net/About — Long site, long content — весь контент в версионированной системе, бэкапы и веб-архив, всё как надо. И статьи про ноотропы, мелатонин, Dual-N-Back, NGE и Death Note. То есть, это как Йорн Баргер, но из моего поколения! У Баргера были Джойс и искусственный интеллект, а у этого чувака, понятно, аниме и анализ Силк Роада: http://www.gwern.net/Silk%20.... Уважаю. - × × ×
/* Как раз читаю там http://www.gwern.net/The%20M... */ - 9000
У Gwern ещё G+ интересный: https://plus.google.com/u... - reflexing
Бодрячком. — CryptoSeal Privacy Consumer VPN service terminated with immediate effect - https://privacy.cryptoseal.com/
"With immediate effect as of this notice, CryptoSeal Privacy, our consumer VPN service, is terminated. All cryptographic keys used in the operation of the service have been zerofilled, and while no logs were produced (by design) during operation of the service, all records created incidental to the operation of the service have been deleted to the best of our ability." • #крипта - × × ×
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Хм, чего это они. - социальный груффало
“To our affected users: we are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience. For any users with positive account balances at the time of this action, we will provide 1 year subscriptions to a non-US VPN service of mutual selection, as well as a refund of your service balance, and free service for 1 year if/when we relaunch a consumer privacy VPN service. Thank you for your support, and we hope this will ease the inconvenience of our service terminating.” - × × ×
Вот чего: “For anyone operating a VPN, mail, or other communications provider in the US, we believe it would be prudent to evaluate whether a pen register order could be used to compel you to divulge SSL keys protecting message contents, and if so, to take appropriate action.” - × × ×
(like здесь — не лайк, а закладка obviousely) - earlyadopter
Паттерн «снежинка для реплик», он же «дай договорить». При ведении разговора во френдфиде (и — более широко — в среде, допускающей редактирование реплик, вроде скайпа или эзерпада) быстро привыкаешь закинуть начало фразы, и дописать её следующим движением, отредактировав то, что получилось, и отреагировав заодно на следующие комментарии.
Для большей эффективности иногда приучаешься _специально_ не заканчивать фразу, оборвав её запятой или на полуслове, чтобы было видно, что ты в процессе набора текста. • #паттерны - × × ×
Ветераны вспомнят, что так работали терминальные чаты и ICQ в те времена (1997), когда чат состоял из двух окон, в котором каждый писал свою часть непрерывной простынёй и свою половину диалога, без таймстампов и без перемешивания реплик. - × × ×
Было, было такое. У меня стоял там Comic Sans :-/ - anatoliy
100 | 50 | 1 :: 100 portraits, 50 photographers, 1 camera - http://100-50-1.is/
"100-50-1 is a new photo exhibition, bringing together fifty of the world’s most talented mobile photographers to showcase portraits they’ve captured using their smartphones." • #профото - × × ×