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Никогда такого не было, и вот опять • Sapienti sat • «Жизнь представала перед Евгением во всем своем удручающем многообразии».
Under the hood: Rebuilding Facebook for iOS - https://www.facebook.com/notes...
"Today we released a new version of Facebook for iOS that's faster, more reliable, and easier to use than ever before. The development of this new app signals a shift in how Facebook is building mobile products, with a focus on digging deep into individual platforms. To understand how we approached this shift, let's take a look at how Facebook has evolved on mobile." - × × ×
Иконка инженерного блога Фейсбука попадает в рубрику #the_daily_wtf - × × ×
Elon Musk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
“And if you don't know who @elonmusk is, read his Wiki page: http://is.gd/A8XSsT  He's basically a real life Tony Stark” - × × ×
Experiments in airborne BASIC—”buzzing” computer code over FM radio | Ars Technica - http://arstechnica.com/busines...
"With his VIC-20, Tunkelo taught himself BASIC, then studied assembly language. He wrote programs that ran "straight to the metal," as he put it, but also came from the heart. One included graphics that celebrated his sister's high school graduation. But the young innovator felt isolated. "Computers were not as popular as they are now," Tunkelo said, and few schools had one. Then came a remarkable radio show that changed the landscape for him and a generation of Finnish technology lovers—a show that literally broadcast code over the airwaves." - × × ×
Commodore, милашечка! - toylike
Who is your favorite under-appreciated author? - Branch - http://branch.com/b...
“I read a lot, and yet I'm constantly delighted to find an author who has been writing forever and yet somehow they've managed to stay under my radar.” - × × ×
Термин «радиоактивный изопоп» (обозначающий что угодно, вплоть до дикторов-иконописцев на радио Радонеж) ни разу не встречается в гугле.
Это потому что раньше каламбурить о православии не было модным. - mindszenty
Журнал «Сеанс» | Константин Эрнст: «Я надеюсь, майя не ошиблись» - http://seance.ru/blog...
An Unexpected Ass Kicking | Blog Of Impossible Things - http://joelrunyon.com/two3...
"I sat down at yet-another coffee shop in Portland determined to get some work done, catch up on some emails and write another blog post. ¶ About 30 minutes into my working, an elderly gentleman at least 80 years old sat down next to me with a hot coffee and a pastry. I smiled at him and nodded and looked back at my computer as I continued to work. ¶ The old man turned back at his coffee, took a sip, and then looked back at me. “In fact, I’ve done lots of things that haven’t been done before”, he said half-smiling. Not sure if he was simply toying with me or not, my curiousity got the better of me. — Oh really? Like what types of things?, — All the while, half-thinking he was going to make up something fairly non-impressive. — I invented the first computer. — Um, Excuse me? — I created the world’s first internally programmable computer. It used to take up a space about as big as this whole room and my wife and I used to walk into it to program it.” • #рубрика_прекрасное - × × ×
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"Want to mess with your mind? Without the man in the photo, the photo of this man wouldn’t exist. *mind blown*" - smallq
Ранее в эфире: «Каждый раз, когда мне вдруг начинает казаться, что я очень умный…» — http://urbansheep.livejournal.com/880783... - × × ×
^ и это отлично - earlyadopter
The Daily WTF: Can nasal spray help prevent military suicides? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs - http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012...
“Could the solution to increasing suicide and depression rates among members of the U.S. military lie in a nasal spray? The Army hopes so.” • #the_daily_wtf#схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
— И помните, верным эвфемизмом для «This is seriously fucked» на русском языке является фраза «Это очень по-христиански».
На дваче это знали ещё шесть лет назад! И говорили: «православно». - mindszenty
Apple said to set up direct sales and a retail store in Russia | Apple - CNET News - http://news.cnet.com/8301-13...
"According to the Moscow News, Apple recently registered a company called Apple Rus and assigned it to the tech giant's local legal adviser -- Vitaly Morozko. Apparently, direct sales could begin as soon as 2013, yet it's still unclear when an Apple Store may open." - × × ×
6-8 Weeks Until Bitcoin Debit/Credit Card, says BitInstant » Coding In My Sleep - http://codinginmysleep.com/6-8-wee...
"BitInstant is a service that provides the ability to transfer funds between Bitcoin and governmental currencies much more quickly than would otherwise be possible. They're also well known for certain transaction types not offered anywhere else, such as the ability to buy BTC with cash at thousands of locations across the United States, and the similarly unprecedented ability to withdraw bitcoins to scam-laden PayPal. A few hours ago, Charlie Shrem confirmed in a conversation on IRC that they're 6 to 8 weeks away from launching the biggest Bitcoin breakthrough in recent history: A bitcoin-funded international debit/credit card." - × × ×
Поехали, теперь с помощью комерческих ЭЭГ-устройств и несложного софта получили способ ловить «узнавание» мозгом тех или иных образов. — Hackers backdoor the human brain, successfully extract sensitive data | ExtremeTech - http://www.extremetech.com/extreme...
"In this case, the security researchers — from the Universities of Oxford and Geneva, and the University of California, Berkeley — created a custom program that was specially designed with the sole purpose of finding out sensitive data, such as the location of your home, your debit card PIN, which bank you use, and your date of birth. The researchers tried out their program on 28 participants (who were cooperative and didn’t know that they were being brain-hacked), and in general the experiments had a 10 to 40% chance of success of obtaining useful information (pictured above). ¶ To extract this information, the researchers rely on what’s known as the P300 response — a very specific brainwave pattern (pictured right) that occurs when you recognize something that is meaningful (a person’s face), or when you recognize something that fits your current task (a hammer in the shed). The researchers basically designed a program that flashes up pictures of maps, banks, and card PINs, and makes a note every time your brain experiences a P300. Afterwards, it’s easy to pore through the data and work out — with fairly good accuracy — where a person banks, where they live, and so on." • #будущее_прекрасно#схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
британский ученый Беннет узнал многое о мертвых лососях - адская скорлупа
Прекрасное и бессмысленное состояние, когда невозможно даже пойти спать — для этого нужно приложить некоторое сознательное усилие, которое нечем.
(С другой стороны, нам напоминают про то, что сила воли — не совсем то, чем кажется, и что наша надежда не во внутреннем ресурсе, а во внешних правилах.) - × × ×
Полчетвёртого, ёмаё. - × × ×
Разберись, тряпка. - lightforce manager
"We believe that urban infrastructure should be more comfortable. For this, we have developed SLEEPBOX. It is intended primarily to enable a person to sleep peacefully. It provides quick escape from the crowd without wasting time searching for a hotel. SLEEPBOX may be used both in public and private spaces, for rent or for internal needs." - × × ×
Самое удивительное — читать там внизу потом про московский адрес и телефон. - × × ×
Как авторы Indie Game: The Movie собирали деньги, устраивали гастроли и снимали фильм для аудитории, которую так просто в одном месте не найти | Artist Services - http://www.sundance.org/artists...
"Several people were stunned when this indie doc about indie videogame developers opted to sell their film for remake rights to Scott Rudin and HBO. Pajot explained, "He saw the trailer and reached out a week or so before Sundance. That was sort of out of left field because it wasn't something we were pursuing." Swirsky added, "They optioned to potentially turn the concept into a TV show about game development...As a person who watches stuff on TV, I want this to exist. I want to see what these guys do with it." The deal still left the door open for a more typical theatrical release. However that was only the start of their plan." - × × ×
The Writer’s Room — Medium - https://medium.com/c...
Tools And Strategies For A Writing Life (By Steven Johnson et al.) - × × ×
«Сырова: Алехина показала, что она, как и все участницы Pussy Riot, не признает власть Путина, ценит абсурд, поэтому надевает яркие платья».
Так вот почему я надеваю яркие рубашки и пиджаки - осталось 9 дней мучений
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^ this - mindszenty
Сегодня он играет джаз, а завтра родину продаст! - mindszenty
однажды услышанное: "А почему он красные рубашки носит? Он вообще нормальный?" - rogneda
А кто ещё развлекается с SuperBetter? А кто с ней свыкся после первых нескольких дней и не бросил?
Кнопка, каждой буквой напоминающая нам о великом русском... - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
Кнопка, каждой буквой напоминающая нам о великом русском художнике Илье Репине. «Посмотрим на эту кнопку через десять лет». - × × ×
Думал ли Илья Ефимович, что обессмертится в веках не благодаря своей живописи, а из-за смешной кнопки Repin в хипстерском сервисе?
Rёpin - nazer
Посмотрим на эту кнопку через 10 лет. Казаки, бурлаки и Иван 4-й стали более-менее мемами. - 9000
Да чего там смотреть: http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post... Никуда кнопка не денется, Репин вечен. - × × ×
Так лень делать джейлбрек ради простого трюка с геофенсом «вышел на улицу → включил Airplane Mode; вошёл в офис → выключил». Эх.
Strapdown.js - Instant and elegant Markdown documents - http://strapdownjs.com/
“Strapdown.js makes it embarrassingly simple to create elegant Markdown documents. No server-side compilation required. Simply copy the HTML code below and modify the title and Markdown text (and optionally the theme).” - × × ×
Наш старый знакомый из «Железобетона» в акварельном небе на... - http://untitled.urbansheep.ru/post...
Наш старый знакомый из «Железобетона» в акварельном небе на заборе с колючей проволокой (FebDD 10 / ~t-wei) - × × ×
На ручки бы дааа. И ещё троих человек в разработку, двоих в маркетинг, и блин дизайнера на ставку. Но увы.
«— Если хочешь, можешь взять с собой кого-нибудь. — Никого не возьму, не хочу никого видеть. Ты не поверишь, насколько я не хочу никого видеть! — Ооок.» - × × ×