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Никогда такого не было, и вот опять • Sapienti sat • «Жизнь представала перед Евгением во всем своем удручающем многообразии».
Минкомсвязи разъяснило суть приказа о прослушке в интернете / Lenta.ru: Интернет и СМИ: Интернет - http://lenta.ru/news...
"[В] соответствии с указом Минкомсвязи с 1 июля 2014 года все интернет-провайдеры страны будут обязаны установить на свои сети оборудование для записи и хранения информации об интернет-трафике. Записи будут содержать, в частности, такие данные, как телефонные номера, IP-адреса, имена учетных записей и адреса электронной почты пользователей социальных сетей. Сведения должны храниться не менее 12 часов и будут передаваться спецслужбам." • #крипта - × × ×
Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? What happens to a country when its young people stop having sex? Japan is finding out… Abigail Haworth investigates | World news | The Observer - http://www.theguardian.com/world...
“The number of single people has reached a record high. A survey in 2011 found that 61% of unmarried men and 49% of women aged 18-34 were not in any kind of romantic relationship, a rise of almost 10% from five years earlier. Another study found that a third of people under 30 had never dated at all. (There are no figures for same-sex relationships.) Although there has long been a pragmatic separation of love and sex in Japan – a country mostly free of religious morals – sex fares no better. A survey earlier this year by the Japan Family Planning Association (JFPA) found that 45% of women aged 16-24 "were not interested in or despised sexual contact". More than a quarter of men felt the same way.” • #женщины_и_люди - #семейное - #мужчинам_мужская_смерть - × × ×
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“Aoyama cites one man in his early 30s, a virgin, who can't get sexually aroused unless he watches female robots on a game similar to Power Rangers.” - × × ×
“Tomita sometimes has one-night stands with men she meets in bars, but she says sex is not a priority, either. "I often get asked out by married men in the office who want an affair. They assume I'm desperate because I'm single." She grimaces, then shrugs. "Mendokusai." ¶ Mendokusai translates loosely as "Too troublesome" or "I can't be bothered". It's the word I hear both sexes use most often when they talk about their relationship phobia. Romantic commitment seems to represent burden and drudgery, from the exorbitant costs of buying property in Japan to the uncertain expectations of a spouse and in-laws. And the centuries-old belief that the purpose of marriage is to produce children endures. Japan's Institute of Population and Social Security reports an astonishing 90% of young women believe that staying single is "preferable to what they imagine marriage to be like".” - × × ×
“The sense of crushing obligation affects men just as much. Satoru Kishino, 31, belongs to a large tribe of men under 40 who are engaging in a kind of passive rebellion against traditional Japanese masculinity. Amid the recession and unsteady wages, men like Kishino feel that the pressure on them to be breadwinning economic warriors for a wife and family is unrealistic. They are rejecting the pursuit of both career and romantic success. ¶ "It's too troublesome," says Kishino, when I ask why he's not interested in having a girlfriend. "I don't earn a huge salary to go on dates and I don't want the responsibility of a woman hoping it might lead to marriage." Japan's media, which has a name for every social kink, refers to men like Kishino as "herbivores" or soshoku danshi (literally, "grass-eating men"). Kishino says he doesn't mind the label because it's become so commonplace. He defines it as "a heterosexual man for whom relationships and sex are unimportant".” - × × ×
Ровно здесь стоит поставить ссылку на двухлетней давности материал из РусРепа: http://friendfeed.com/urbansh... (и будет понятно, почему мне было лень спорить с молодёжным угаром юных комментаторов). - × × ×
“Some experts believe the flight from marriage is not merely a rejection of outdated norms and gender roles. It could be a long-term state of affairs. "Remaining single was once the ultimate personal failure," says Tomomi Yamaguchi, a Japanese-born assistant professor of anthropology at Montana State University in America. "But more people are finding they prefer it." Being single by choice is becoming, she believes, "a new reality".” - × × ×
В общем, очень грустное, и очень совпадающее и резонирующее с остальными наблюдениями и «дата-поинтами». - × × ×
Кто-то джва раза звал кусо в этом посте. - социальный груффало
^ разве в тексте речь про деторождение? - 9000
В том и дело, что *процесс* разлюбили. Это нечасто встречается. - 9000
Извинити, не смог сдержаться http://youtu.be/5_tFInZC008 (nsfw, да и играют дерьмово, если честно. Но zomg wtf???!! ) - nazer
@habbahan, как раз недавно обсуждали http://www.maximonline.ru/statji... :-) - nomoretears
Потешные комментаторы, как обычно, не читают исходный текст и тут же выносят вердикт. Облить бы умниц бензином и сжечь.) - × × ×
Интервьюируют несколько японцев и задают им пару вопросов. Такое ощущение, что найдя главу ассоциации планирования семьи Японии, автор задала ему буквально один вопрос «пачиму» (прям так и спросила, чтоб не заморачиваться), получила ответ, состоящий из одного предложения, и попрощалась. Есть набор мнений и цифр, но где суть? Хочется сути и ответа на вопрос, поставленный в заголовке. - полетаем
И суть и своя версия ответа на вопрос есть в тексте, внезапно. - × × ×
Я слишком много хочу от поверхностного исследования, наверное. - полетаем
Может, проблема в (не)умении читать написанное. Или с ожиданиями. А про поверхностность в данном случае я бы осторожнее говорил. - × × ×
What Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, Instagram, and Internet Porn Are Doing to America’s Teenage Girls | Vanity Fair - http://www.vanityfair.com/culture...
“Speaking to a variety of teenaged boys and girls across the country, Nancy Jo Sales uncovers a world where boys are taught they have the right to expect everything from social submission to outright sex from their female peers. What is this doing to America’s young women?” • #стайность - #порно_два_ноль - #женщины_и_люди - × × ×
“Sex is everywhere. Everything is sexualized. They’re all reading Fifty Shades of Grey.” - glukki
Секс был до этих ваших инстаграмматонов. - социальный груффало
The Mandate by Perihelion Interactive LLC — Kickstarter - http://www.kickstarter.com/project...
“As the captain of a Mandate starship, you lead a crew through the galaxy where they will adapt and grow as they fight alongside you.” - × × ×
Education standards: Best and brightest — Only a few countries are teaching children how to think | The Economist - http://www.economist.com/news...
"Ms Ripley credits Poland’s swift turnaround to Miroslaw Handke, the former minister of education. When he entered the post in 1997, Poland’s economy was growing but Poles seemed destined for the low-skilled jobs that other Europeans did not want. So he launched an epic programme of school reforms, with a new core curriculum and standardised tests. Yet his most effective change was also his wooliest: he expected the best work from all of his pupils. He decided to keep all Polish children in the same schools until they were 16, delaying the moment when some would have entered vocational tracks. Poland’s swift rise in PISA rankings is largely the result of the high scores of these supposedly non-academic children." • #grind_is_good - × × ×
Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins: “This is a very interesting study that shows sleep is essential downtime to do some housekeeping to flush out neurotoxins.” / BBC News - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news...
“Their findings build on last year's discovery of the brain's own network of plumbing pipes - known as the glymphatic system - which carry waste material out of the brain. Scientists, who imaged the brains of mice, showed that the glymphatic system became 10-times more active when the mice were asleep. Cells in the brain, probably the glial cells which keep nerve cells alive, shrink during sleep. This increases the size of the interstitial space, the gaps between brain tissue, allowing more fluid to be pumped in and wash the toxins away.” • #схватил_за_мозг - × × ×
BitTorrent search site IsoHunt will shut down, pay MPAA $110 million | Ars Technica - http://arstechnica.com/tech-po...
“isoHunt, a search engine for BitTorrent files founded more than a decade ago, has agreed today to shut down all its operations worldwide. The company, founded by Canadian Gary Fung, has also accepted a judgment that it must pay the movie studios that sued it $110 million. ¶ It's not clear how much of that the studios will actually be able to collect. According to a chunk of court transcript cited by Techdirt, the movie studios' lawyers estimated that Fung and his company had only "two million dollars to $4 million, $5 million at the most" that they could possibly pay.” - × × ×
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:( - × × ×
Лучший торрент-поисковик сейчас из мне известных, btw, вот: http://metasearch.torrentproject.com/ — правда, создатель уже какое-то время хочет его кому-нибудь продать, так что судьба туманна. - bag of dicks to Glasgow
Ага, спасибо. Isohunt жалко. - × × ×
Угу, жалко. - bag of dicks to Glasgow
Таки пришло время для нормального цифрового подполья. - социальный груффало
:( - smallq
Now this was unexpected: (30 октября 2013) “Hey everyone! IsoHunt is back online! It’s the same old isoHunt from the outside but very different from the inside. We have nothing in common with the isoHunt Inc. that made the original website. We proudly copied it and are happy to share. Isn’t that what we’re all here for?” — http://blog.isohunt.to/isohunt... - × × ×
СЯУ, что бывают нелегальные числа (и запретные простые числа): Illegal prime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
"An illegal prime is a prime number that represents information which is forbidden to possess or distribute. One of the first illegal primes was discovered in 2001. When interpreted in a particular way, it describes a computer program that bypasses the digital rights management scheme used on DVDs. Distribution of such a program in the United States is illegal under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.[1] An illegal prime is a kind of illegal number." • #удивительные_факты - × × ×
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по странной ассоциации мне это напоминает грег-игановский рассказ Luminous (в смысле там совсем про другое вроде бы) - кот от котов
все эти программы есть в числе Pi ;) http://habrahabr.ru/post... - glukki
я помню, кто-то ходил в футболочке с нанесенным таким вот числом - Igor Sereda
Why are Russian writers praised so highly? | http://www.quora.com/Literat... | Аква: Ха-ха. Можно использовать в качестве вдохновения в нобяре, когда первое дыхание закончится, а второе еще не откроется. (via http://friendfeed.com/nextaqva)
чото он как-то про немецкий не вспомнил, например - кот от котов
- Truancy - Scott Laytart - http://www.scottlaytart.com/truancy
Если здесь чего иногда теперь и не хватает, так это регулярных... всплесков, назовём это так, из фаунда, вот что. - × × ×
Lenta.ru: Наука и техника: Софт: Передай другому - http://lenta.ru/article...
«Активисты «арабской весны» договаривались о встречах и координировали свои действия через мобильные Facebook и Twitter. Участники волнений в Англии в августе 2011 года использовали для связи BlackBerry Messenger. Демонстранты из «Захвати Уолл-стрит» пишут собственные программы для обмена информацией. «Лента.ру» предлагает обзор мобильных приложений, участвовавших в уличных акциях протеста.» • #крипта - × × ×
Thomas Keller On Why Passion Shouldn’t Drive You | Co.Design | business + design - http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672282...
“It’s not about passion. Passion is something that we tend to overemphasize, that we certainly place too much importance on. Passion ebbs and flows. To me, it’s about desire. If you have constant, unwavering desire to be a cook, then you’ll be a great cook. If it’s only about passion, sometimes you’ll be good and sometimes you won’t. You’ve got to come in every day with a strong desire. With passion, if you see the first asparagus of the springtime and you become passionate about it, so much the better, but three weeks later, when you’ve seen that asparagus every day now, passions have subsided. What’s going to make you treat the asparagus the same? It’s the desire.” • #grind_is_good - × × ×
(Коттке ставит эту цитату рядом с цитатой Адамса — http://friendfeed.com/urbansh..., но они, по-моему, про разное.) - × × ×
Scott Adams: How to Be Successful - WSJ.com - http://online.wsj.com/news...
"My boss, who had been a commercial lender for over 30 years, said that the best loan customer is someone who has no passion whatsoever, just a desire to work hard at something that looks good on a spreadsheet. Maybe the loan customer wants to start a dry-cleaning store or invest in a fast-food franchise—boring stuff. That's the person you bet on. You want the grinder, not the guy who loves his job." • #grind_is_good - × × ×
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“When you're done reading this list, you won't have that delusion about me, and that's the point. Success is entirely accessible, even if you happen to be a huge screw-up 95% of the time.” - × × ×
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big — http://www.amazon.com/gp... - × × ×
Да, это тот самый Скотт Адамс, который автор Дилберта. - × × ×
Apple’s Jony Ive and Designer Marc Newson on Their Shared “Level of Perfection”: “It Is Actually Very Sick” | Vanity Fair - http://www.vanityfair.com/busines...
"At Sotheby’s New York this November, the world will get a unique tutorial from two masters of design. Collaborating for the first time, Apple’s Jonathan Ive and his chum, the equally acclaimed Marc Newson, have selected or made more than 40 objects for an auction to benefit Bono’s Product (Red) anti-H.I.V. campaign. Meeting with Ive and Newson, Paul Goldberger explores the shared obsession and philosophy behind everything from iPhones to jumbo-jet interiors." - × × ×
Apple Hires Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to Head Retail Efforts - Ina Fried - News - AllThingsD - http://allthingsd.com/2013101...
“Ahrendts, 53, has been CEO of Burberry since July 2006. From 1998 to 2006, she was an executive VP at Liz Claiborne, and also served at Henri Bendel and Donna Karan International.” - × × ×
Очень интересно, что из этого получится. - × × ×
Join us in previewing Flickr’s new photo experience « Flickr Blog - http://blog.flickr.net/en...
“Wow. The photo got bigger! — The new photo experience now gives you the largest possible image, while not deprecating the story around a photo. With the new photo experience the image is about 25% bigger than on the previous photo page. You’ll see more pixels, get a cleaner view without any elements on the top or the bottom of the screen, so that photos can really be the center point. ¶ The story is next to the photo — A photo is more than just pixels: It’s the story that you and other people have build around it. A photos story is being written not only in a photo’s title, but also in comments, tags and in photo-specific information such as what camera has been used. Our goal was to present you with a big image, but also to not to require you to scroll to see what the image is about. In the new sidebar you’ll find all important actions, but also all the important and valuable information. We also started to add recommendations to the sidebar, so that if you enjoy the photo that you are seeing, you’ll likely to find more photos like that.” • #редизайн - × × ×
The Russia Left Behind - http://www.nytimes.com/newsgra...
Ух. Нью-Йорк Таймс о путешествии из Петербурга в Москву. - × × ×
“So why is this highway so antiquated? A new toll road, the M11, will not be fully open until 2018, at which point Mr. Putin will have been in charge for 18 years. ¶ Asked about the M10 during an interview last year, Mr. Putin’s press secretary, Dmitri S. Peskov, answered by tracing, in order of urgency, the challenges that Mr. Putin faced in his first and second presidential terms. ¶ He brought Russia’s oligarchs to heel. He reclaimed authority over the security services. He eliminated the popular election of governors. He wrested television back from private hands. He raised pensions and paid off Russia’s foreign debt. By the time Mr. Peskov mentioned the staggering decline of Brezhnev-era infrastructure, his explanation had gone on for 28 sentences. ¶ “Certainly,” he concluded, “in these circumstances it was impossible to think about a road between Moscow and St. Petersburg.” - × × ×
...причём особенно интересна форма подачи. - 9000
London’s Great Exodus - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
“The ordinary uses of the city have been changed beyond recognition. London was never a cheap place to live, but now more expensive property means more expensive everything else: restaurants, cinemas, bars and theater tickets. ¶ And as for services, the minimal tax paid by those who have made property into money means that a city whose population has increased by 14 percent in the last decade can’t afford to build new schools. There will be a capacity shortfall of an estimated 90,000 places by 2015. Children won’t be turned away from school, but class sizes will grow to untenable proportions. ¶ So younger people, like my former neighbors, feel compelled to leave — even though they were making a very decent living. The delicate social ecology that made London’s transformation into a great world city over the last two decades is past the tipping point, I fear.” - × × ×
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хо-хо - tcharge
Cato the elder wondered how that city was preserved wherein a fish was sold for more than an ox. - Michael Bravo
Интересно, как Лондон будет приводить в порядок свою городскую экосистему на фоне такого притока денег с размыванием культуры. - × × ×
В Москве вот то же самое движение не останавливают, а поддерживают парадоксальными способами, с разговором «доступное жильё повышает приток мигрантов». А то, что растущая стоимость недвижимости задирает стоимость жизни через цены и даёт сильный пинок инфляции во всех окружающих магазинах и прочей стоматологии с парикмахерскими — этого никто не научился замечать. - × × ×
мне кажется лондон к таким притокам более-менее привычный, подобное было уже несколько раз, после иранской революции например. foreign rich russians, saudis, asians, кто только не, за сотню+ лет и это immigration-friendly город by design. - xekc@xekc.com
я не эксперт конечно, но стремление свести всё к такой одной причине и игнорировать значительно более многолетнюю тенденцию уезжать из города в деревню...? Escape to the country это не только мега-популярное ТВ шоу (с 2002 года), но и в целом настрой - растить детей в городе? Thanks, no, thanks. город - для бедных, такое примерно настроение мне чувствуется. - xekc@xekc.com
Никто не сводит всё к одной причине, спасибо. - × × ×
"This is what happens when property in your city becomes a global reserve currency." - сводит. - xekc@xekc.com
"The delicate social ecology that made London’s transformation into a great world city over the last two decades" - ЛОЛШТО? я бы еще понял про Берлин, например... - dmtr
Я не вижу в этом предложении сведения к одной причине, поэтому нет, не сводит. - × × ×
Quietly, some geeks are decentralizing the net. Again. · redecentralize.org - http://redecentralize.org/
“Who are they? Why are they doing it? What new technologies are they using? How will this change the world? We interview them to find out.” - × × ×
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С одной стороны — очень круто. С другой стороны, на скриншотах с интервью http://redecentralize.org/intervi... везде висят логотипы хэнгаута. - × × ×
Добавился туда. - социальный груффало
"везде висят логотипы хэнгаута" ну если они через гхенгаутсы всех интервьюируют, значит ни один из этих проектов не дорос :) - социальный груффало
В России пройдет фестиваль финансового образования | Lenta.ru: Экономика - http://lenta.ru/news...
«В России с 31 октября по 3 ноября пройдет фестиваль открытого финансового образования, приуроченный ко всемирному дню сбережений. Как говорится в пресс-релизе организаторов фестиваля, начинание поддерживают более 30 российских городов.» - × × ×
На всякий случай бамп. Послезавтра уже 31. - × × ×
Why I Silence Your Call, Even When I’m Free - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...&
"Afterward, I listened to her voice mail from the previous week. It was almost unintelligible through her sobs. She was having a bottom-of-the-well moment, utterly distraught by the Big Picture of her life, not one thing in particular but the sort of malaise that strikes from every direction and gobbles you whole. She simply needed me to keep her company on the phone while she freaked out. To tell her everything would be O.K." - × × ×
Чекбокс для выключения: Shared Endorsements — Google makes it easy for you to get great recommendations from your friends. For example, when you visit the Google Play music store, you may see that a friend has +1'd a new album by your favorite artist. When you search for a restaurant, you may see an ad including a 5-star review by another friend - https://plus.google.com/u...
Никто не верит, что это на что-то повлияет, но выключить на всякий случай полезно. ) - × × ×
Кстати, endorsements от знакомых в play store мне скорее нравятся. - 9000
В Play Store отзывы довольно осознанные. А ковровый подход, стоящий за этой галочкой, вытащит много непроизвольных реакций людей, о возможности публичного появления которых они не думали или забыли. - × × ×
Incorporating More Quiet Into The UX Design Process | Smashing UX Design - http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2013...
"But the stereotypical extrovert is just one of the personalities that make up a successful team. A lot of people who excel at and are passionate about design — specifically UX design — are actually introverts. This means that, in fostering cultures that celebrate the extrovert, design teams could be losing out on the brainpower of folks who contribute at their highest level when they have quiet and privacy to focus. So, how can we better balance our teams and elevate extroverts and introverts alike?" - × × ×
FlowingMail | Decentralized, encrypted, secure email system - http://flowingmail.com/
"FlowingMail is the name of a new decentralized messaging protocol, while FlowingMail Client is an email client that uses the protocol. The protocol is loosely based on BitTorrent, with some ideas coming from the BitMessage protocol. The FlowingMail messages are signed and encrypted by the sender: only the receiver is able to decrypt the messages. Messages and public keys are announced using a variant of the Kademlia DHT, while the encrypted emails are transferred in way similar to the BitTorrent fashion. All the communications happen over the UDT protocol (UDP based data transfer), which offer high speed for data transfer and partial reliability on point-to-point messages." - × × ×
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Грустный проект на и-го-го: http://www.indiegogo.com/project... - × × ×
Эй, ну и зачем это всё да и еще и за деньги, если я делаю гораздо интереснее и бесплатно. Помощи вот только не дождешься. - социальный груффало
Беркусик, а где ты это делаешь? Как об этом узнать? - × × ×
Оно тут в постах постепенно проявляется http://exocortex.madfire.net - социальный груффало
Буду в френдфидик пожалуй тоже забрасывать. - социальный груффало
я что-то с разбегу не просекаю корреляцию меттаноды и децентрализованной почты, надо наверное еще раз все перечитать - Michael Bravo
Очень просто - меттанода децентрализованный клиент, он может и чатовые сообщения и почту пересылать с одинаковой легкостью. У почты есть некоторые специфики, но я это собираус учесть в новом протокольчике вот тут https://github.com/berkus... - социальный груффало
Посмотрел, ничего не понял. ( Т.е. gpg я ещё могу понять, как себе поставить. БТ-чат с публичными ключами тоже, допустим, соображу. Но понять, как метту сварить в съедобный и рабочий сервис — это всё мне уже не по силам. - × × ×
Урбан, не переживай. Я сейчас коннекты допилю и сделаю простой гуй в виде одной программы. Его надо будет просто запустить, и всё. - социальный груффало
anonymity is hard - Hacker OPSEC - http://grugq.github.io/blog...
"In late 2011 Hezbollah rolled up a CIA spy ring in Lebanon. This provides an interesting lesson in CIA tradecraft and real world counterintelligence. Close examination of the techniques used to track down the agents will reveal some serious problems with many systems designed to provide security for anti-government groups. ¶ This post is partially in a response to Matt Green’s post about encryption apps. The secrecy provided by encryption applications, primarily privacy of communication content, is not sufficient to protect against even minimal monitoring. Any anti-government activity in a modern environment, e.g. one involving mobile phones and the internet, needs to include anonymity first and foremost." • #radical_transparency - #крипта - × × ×
Why tablet magazines are a failure — Tech News and Analysis - http://gigaom.com/2013...
“Not that tablets aren’t suited for reading. I discover most of the articles I read every day through my favorite iPad apps: Zite, Flipboard, Facebook and Twitter. These apps don’t produce any content themselves. They’re merely curating what’s already out there. My dedicated magazine apps, on the other hand, have been lost among the many other apps on my iPad. I never read them, even those I pay monthly subscription fees for. Here’s why.” • #trendtaste - #будущее_мидий - × × ×
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(Перестал пользоваться почти всем, кроме прямого захода на Hacker News, Designer News, TechMeme и лентуру. Никакого твиттера, флипборда и зайта, пару раз в неделю эпизодические визиты в фейсбук. Не стал продлять подписку на Нью-Йоркер. Единственное, что осталось из сервисов — NewsBlur (и немного инстапейпер/пинборд). Единственная соцсеть — фрф.) - × × ×
вместо прямого захода на HN очень рекомендую http://www.daemonology.net/hn-dail... - alex@kapranoff.ru
А, прошу прощения, у меня вместо «прямого» всё же нормальный: http://hckrnews.com/ ) За дейли спасибо! - × × ×
@kkarp: highest-rated — это если надо посмотреть, "что волнует людей". а интерсное там и среди менее заголосованного попадается. - 9000
Rhizome | Occupy.here: A tiny, self-contained darknet - http://rhizome.org/editori...
“Occupy.here began two years ago as an experiment for the encampment at Zuccotti Park. It was a wifi router hacked to run OpenWrt Linux (an operating system mostly used for computer networking) and a small "captive portal" website. When users joined the wifi network and attempted to load any URL, they were redirected to http://occupy.here. The web software offered up a simple BBS-style message board providing its users with a space to share messages and files.” • #крипта - × × ×
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“Since then Occupy.here has become my zen garden, a tiny self-contained internet I've been developing slowly and methodically.” - × × ×
“In this second, decentralized phase, I've seen a modest volume of use by internet standards, perhaps a handful of posts per week. There are patterns in how it gets used according to where the router is situated. The Zuccotti Park router was a popular venue for middle-aged men to upload selfies. Another one, hidden in the lobby of the Museum of Modern Art (installed without permission), mostly receives multi-lingual variations on "hello world" or "why doesn't the wifi work?" A handful of users have written more substantially, but it amounts to a message in a bottle, floating in the 2.4 Ghz spectrum.” - × × ×
Судя по фотке, в этой прошивке нужно два wifi интерфейса. Недавно как раз почитал проект радиолюбительского меша (http://hsmm-mesh.org/) состоящего из стандартных рутеров. Радиолюбительский он потому, что каналы 1-6 wifi находятся внутри разрешенной радиолюбителям полосы частот, а радиолюбители могут излучать в десятки раз большей мощностью, чем потребительские рутеры. Это драматически увеличивает покрытие меша при том же количестве нод. - Что-то равно чему-то.
— Ну, хорошо, Сергей, тебе не нравится, когда я называю тебя Серюшей и Серёжечкой. Какими нежными именами тогда тебя называть, которые тебе нравятся? — Геннадий.
Стоило отвлечься во время медитации, как подсознание с воображением пошли развлекаться и выражать своё негодование.
В этот раз негодование вылилось в прекрасную картину, где зритель управляет своим пингвином в люмозити, пингвин ловко проходит все опасные повороты, не уходя в занос. Потом добегает до рыбы, хватает её, но не обнимает победно, а удивляет нас тем, что несётся к сопернику на его половину айсберга, и начинает лупить того по его пингвиньим мордасам, по харе ему, по харе, чтобы знал, чьё тут добро, скотина черно-белая. • #lumosity - × × ×
Robin Sloan’s Book Bag: Five Science Fiction Books That Matter - The Daily Beast - http://www.thedailybeast.com/article...
"We range widely, we readers of fiction, but I think we all need a home. Mine is science fiction. It’s my home shelf, my homeland, my home planet, my essential genre. Without science fiction, without the influence these books have had on me over the years, I'm not sure I would care much about reading or writing today. If a great work of literary fiction is Kafka's "ice-axe to break the frozen sea within us," then a great work of science fiction is the boat. A great work of science fiction answers the question, why are we sailing through this godforsaken ice in the first place? Where are we going? Here are five favorites from my home shelf." • #прокниги - #списки - × × ×